Click to view description.With the announcement of RPG Maker 2000 the RPG Maker community became ecstatic and couldn’t wait for a translation. To this day many still consider RPG Maker 2000 as one of the best RPG Makers released. It was a huge upgrade when compared to RPG Maker 95 and paved the way for some the best RPG Maker games ever released. Don Miguel announced he would be translating RPG Maker 2000 becoming an even bigger legend in the RPG Maker community. Often considered the golden period in RPG Maker history, fan sites begun springing left and right dedicated to certain aspects of the program, the amount of available resources, tutorials as well as users doubled if not tripled during this time period. With the release of Don Miguel’s translation his support forums were overloaded with all types of questions related to RPG Maker 2000. Users were creating works of arts and doing things once deemed impossible in RPG Maker 95, in a very short time RPG Maker 2000 had spread to other languages and foreign communities were being created. However during RPG Maker 2000's height of popularity Don Miguel had received a letter from ASCII's lawyers informing him he was being charged with copyright infringement and illegal distribution of RPG Maker 95 and RPG Maker 2000. The RPG Maker community panicked taking the downloads and forbidding anyone from asking where to get the program. Don Miguel however had found a loophole in Russian laws and thanks to that loophole had the charges dropped, ASCII's respond to this by releasing a letter (click hereto view it) stating that if the illegal translations continued they might not be able to create any more maker programs.
RPG Maker 2000
RPG Maker 2000 Resources
RPG Maker 2000 Tutorials
(Click on pictures below to see the full image.)
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Program Name: RPG Tsukuru 2000 (RPG Maker 2000)
Nicknames: RPG2K, RM2K
Release Date: Japan: April, 2000 Worldwide: Never Released
Creator: ASCII
Translator: Don Miguel (1.00 - 1.07B)
Current Version: 1.51 Current Translated Version: 1.07B
System Requirements:
Click to view system requirements.
OS: Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 166Mhz (200Mhz Recommended)
Direct X: DirectX 7 or better
Graphics: Resolution of 800x600, 256 Bit Color
Sound: Sound Blaster Compatible
Memory: 32MB (64MB recommended)
Hardrive: 40MB of free space(15MB for RTP)
Cdrom: 2x Speed or higher