Histroy Of RPGCrisis
RPGCrisis didn’t start out as RPGCrisis or anything that you see today. It started back when RPGMaker 2000 was still hot and RPGMaker XP wasn’t even thought of. I had wanted to make an RPGMaker site for my current projects, which I still, remember their names. Blue Fire, a tale about a boy who’s school gets overrun with demons and its up to him to save the world, kind of lame but it was cool at the time. Dueling Hearts, a game about a boy who is picked to save the world using the popular card game "Dueling Hearts". The boy would fight his enemies and beat them to destroy the evil in them. Last but not least Battle Arena, this game had lots of time put into it. You started out as just a regular fighter who is ordered to form a team and represent your nation, you were able to go around and recruit people into your party. Anyway the sites name was "RickysRPGMakerSite" and it was centered around my current projects. It was hosted on Tripod, which back in the day was a really good free host. I slowly started learning everything about RPGMaker and the community and decided it was time to move on. I then found a host called "NetFirms" and made a site called "RickysRPGMaker2000". It was a big hit and I was getting like 200+ hits a day. I got so much that I would always go over my bandwidth limit. I then changed host to T35.com and made the same site with the same name. I lost a lot of traffic due to the change but that would soon change. I was one of the first people to get a copy of RPGMaker 2003, it wasn’t RPG Advocates because he hadn’t released his yet, it was Soulfang and Aeriath, (Sorry If I spelt it wrong). I uploaded it to AngelFire, which was also a good host back in the day and announced that I had it up for download. I checked my site the next day to see my counter had gone from 232 I think it was to 2342 overnight! I was amazed and couldn’t believe how many people were going to my site. Well I soon got an e-mail from a fellow who went by the name "Diablo Roker"; he said he could host RM2K3Cental, which was what I was calling my site at the time. He told me it would take some time so we stayed and announced that RM2K3Central would be getting a domain name and server. I was so excited that my site was going to get a domain name and a server. Well it took along time but we finally got a server! We didn’t get a domain yet but our URL was like rm2k3central.gamingmatrix.com, it was great having our own sever. I sent a mass e-mail to all the forum members, which was around 500 and a lot of them, came over. Things were going good until one day the site just vanished, I asked DiabloRoker what was going on and he said we lost the server. I was hella pissed because of what happened and to all the people I lost. Things started going downhill from there and I gave up on an RPGMaker site after Diablo Roker kept making fake promises. A few months later I thought it was time to get back in to making sites so I thought of a new name, Paradox Illusions. I set up an account at T35.com and soon got to work. My site wasn’t as popular as before but I had around 100 unique views a day, which I didn’t mind. Well later on a fellow who went by the name "bslashingu" message me saying that in a couple of weeks his brother would be able to host the site and get us a domain. It was a little sketchy considering what had happen before but I went for it. So for weeks I kept asking him what’s the status and for weeks he would keep lying (I found out later he was a liar). So I said forget it and left and stopped making sites again. I don’t know why but I got lots of e-mails asking why my site was down and if I was going to continue, I really couldn’t believe so many people came to my site so I said "What the hell" and got back in. I then made RPGCrisis and Minkoff hosted it, a really good guy who told me he would host me for free. I got a custom layout from a friend and things were starting off good, except I had no activity. I really didn’t like that and decided that if I was going to go all the way might as well buy a host. So I bought a Re-Seller plan from WebMedia and they gave me a free domain, which was cool. That site is what you see now and soon to become a big RPGMaker website. |