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New Skins Uploaded

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Elemental Crisis 
- 12-28-10 23:57 - 0 comments
Hello Everyone,

I've added some news skins, 6 total for everyone to try out. I looked for different types and color schemes so they all wouldn't be the same. I'm personally trying out Rouge 2 and it's pretty nice and very colorful.

No particular skin has to "win" or be voted on to keep, if a skin is liked then I'll keep it and customize it for RPG Crisis. I'll continue my search for additional skins so broaden our choices.

Let me know what you guys/girls think. :)
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Happy Holidays With Updates

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Elemental Crisis 
- 12-25-10 01:11 - 16 comments
Hello Everyone, Happy Holidays!

First off, I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

RPG Crisis would of been back up sooner if it wasn't for some bullshit DDoS attack, as you can see, its all good now.

As you might of guessed, I've been doing some long overdue work on RPG Crisis. This update consists of both maintenance work and new features, I had more features to add but I wanted to get the site re-opened for Christmas so I pushed them back until sometime this week. Thanks to Koizumi for helping me out.

The Forums have been updated to the latest version, 3.1.4

Here's whats changed.
- You can now hover over a topic to get a preview of the topic.
- When posting a new topic, a similar topics box will open displaying, as the name suggest, similar topics.
- Starting today, your total time spent on the forums will be logged and displayed in your profile.
- RPG stats added for fun seeing how this is RPG Crisis.
- Tutorials system has been updated to version 1.1.2, click links for change log. Version 1.1.1 // Version 1.1.2
- Download system has been upgraded to version 2.3.0, the changes should be self-evident. :)
- Archive (Old Forums) and RPG Crisis 2.0 (New Forums) have been merged!

As some of you might recall, I previously said the archive forums MySQL database became corrupt. I was able to repair it and in the process I decided it would be best to just merge the archive and current forums. I spent a couple hours converting and making sure everything worked. Everything except the downloads and tutorials from the archive was transferred over. The download system used on the archive forum is not compatible with our current download system, there was also no conversion script. The tutorial system, while made by the same author does not have a conversion script either. However, I've come up with a fix for this problem. I was able to upgrade the Archive's MySQL database to work with IPB 3.1.4 so a new archive has been uploaded. This will allow anyone to grab the tutorials and re-post them if they would like. This new archive will go dark on January 3rd, 2011. A new sub-forum called "Archive Remnants" is where all the old download, tutorial and script topics are for now. The sub-forum sections in there are temporary, content in them will be moved later this week.

Now, with this merge you might find yourself with multiple accounts. If that's the case, click the link below.
Multiple Accounts Fix

We've, once again switch software for the Resource Database, this time for good though. As many of you know and expressed to me, IP.Gallery had some limitations like no .BMP support, limited uploading capabilities just to name a few that were causing problems for us. I've decided that for our needs, our best choice would be Gallery2 once again. At the moment its running, I haven't had time to start uploading content just yet. At this time, you will need to register for an account to upload though.

I've got some updates planned for later this week, essentially, whenever I have the time. I'm planning on adding a forum shop, an arcade and some new skins.

If you find any problems, post them in the feedback section. I've still got some small change to make here and there.
Read 225 times - last comment by Lethrface     

Upcoming Changes

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Elemental Crisis 
- 06-19-10 23:32 - 5 comments
Hello Everyone,

I've decided to move up some plans initially scheduled for RPGCV2. During this upcoming week I'll be making many changes, I've outlined a few below.

Host Switch
- I've already begun setting up our new host and will move RPG Crisis too it sometime this upcoming week. Our new host should fix all these annoying host related problems we've been having. Once we switch hosts I'll be putting up some tests I need the community to participate in.

Forum Upgrade & Changes
- I'll be updating IPB to the 3.0 series, not the 3.1 series. We wont be upgrading to the 3.1 series until our website development kit supports it. I'll also be setting the forum structure up to something similar I outlined in thistopic.

Resource Database Software Switch
- We'll be switching from Coppermine to Invision Power Gallery. The Gallery, like the forums will start fresh and I've already got someone who will be uploading resources daily. There's been a lot of improvements made to IPG since the last time I used it and I think it will service us better then Coppermine.

Until RPGCV2 is live we'll be using similar forum based software to support them.

I'll be sending out an e-mail to let everyone know of the upcoming changes. Once they've been made I'll go into more details on whats changed and how it will effect RPGCV2.
Read 628 times - last comment by Elemental Crisis     

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