Welcome to the RPG Crisis RPG Maker Community Forums
Hello there traveler! They call me Norman the Expressionless and I was instructed to seek you out, the wanderer. You must be something special for them to hire me and come find out. I wonder what makes you so special; perhaps you have some super power and are destined to save the universe! Just kidding, they told me to find you because you have nice hair and they want to harvest it to create the perfect hair. So yeah, you should totally join this fine community they’ve established here. Heck, if you need even more reasons I suppose I can list off a few of the perks.
Guest Message by DevFuse
SUPPORT TOPIC File Information
- Submitted: Sep 15 2012 05:30 PM
- Last Updated: Mar 19 2014 09:33 AM
- File Size: 400.76K
- Views: 717
- Downloads: 46
- Approved by: Elemental Crisis
- Approved on: 19 March 2014 - 09:34 AM
- Creator: RPG Crisis Community
Download RPG Crisis: Ghost Town

More than 3 years ago RPG Crisis was a thriving community of like-minded individuals, until the Era of e-Drama unfolded in the summer of 2009. It has cost Elemental Crisis lots of active members, forcing them to retreat to less hostile and more active communities.
Fast forward to 2012, and what remains of RPG Crisis is but a ghost town of the last remaining members who have given up completely. You, the lurker, will take one glance at the place and then step right out due to sheer boredom and the hopelessness of the community.
Only time will tell if RPG Crisis will ever return to its more blossoming days.
Fast forward to 2012, and what remains of RPG Crisis is but a ghost town of the last remaining members who have given up completely. You, the lurker, will take one glance at the place and then step right out due to sheer boredom and the hopelessness of the community.
Only time will tell if RPG Crisis will ever return to its more blossoming days.