File Information
- Submitted: Jul 03 2010 09:12 PM
- Last Updated: Jul 03 2010 09:21 PM
- File Size: 8.7MB
- Views: 1892
- Downloads: 877
- Version: 2.1
Download A Blurred Line
Creator: Lysander86
You play as Talan, your typical ordinary routine guy. The game starts out with Talan almost being late to work on an very important day, the day the director comes to visit. After almost being late Talan finds out that the Director wishes to speak to him directly which causes him to pass out. After awaking in the Director's office Talan is all too surprised and overjoyed, he's never met such a powerful and important person. After a nice talk the Director suddenly tells Talan to seek Paradise, a land that is immune to Agency influence. Before Talan can respond the Director is assassinated, sacred Talan runs and becomes the prime suspect in the death of the Director.
If your job to find the real killer and in the process find Paradise, the mythical promise land.
This game was never finished, "A Lines End" is the final installment to this masterpiece but it's never been released.
You play as Talan, your typical ordinary routine guy. The game starts out with Talan almost being late to work on an very important day, the day the director comes to visit. After almost being late Talan finds out that the Director wishes to speak to him directly which causes him to pass out. After awaking in the Director's office Talan is all too surprised and overjoyed, he's never met such a powerful and important person. After a nice talk the Director suddenly tells Talan to seek Paradise, a land that is immune to Agency influence. Before Talan can respond the Director is assassinated, sacred Talan runs and becomes the prime suspect in the death of the Director.
If your job to find the real killer and in the process find Paradise, the mythical promise land.
This game was never finished, "A Lines End" is the final installment to this masterpiece but it's never been released.
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