RPG Maker VX Officially Released In Japan!
 Elemental Crisis
post Dec 27 2007, 12:56 AM
Post #1


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Posts: 189
Joined: 27-November 07
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As the title says RPG Maker VX has been officially released in Japan!

Enterbrain has released the RTP for RPG Maker VX which can be downloaded from the link below.


Interesting thing about the Japanese RTP is that located in the RTP is the English RGSS200E.dll file. Rabbit Nightmare has written a tutorial on how to replace the one in the trial with the English one as well as a comparison of the file.

Tutorial Link: https://rpgcrisis.net/forums/index.php?...orial&id=10
Comparison Link: https://rpgcrisis.net/forums/http-www-rpgcrisis-net-forums-index-php-showtopic-50-t50.html

Also Enterbrain updated their FAQ which I translated into English.


I will be organizing all the translated pages I've done soon so the link above will change.
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