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Elemental Crisis 
- 01-24-11 11:15 - 0 comments
Hello Everyone,

After multiple e-mail exchanges RPG Crisis is back up. Since I really have nothing else to comment on I redirect everyone to my previous topic which will commence something this week.
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This Week At RPG Crisis

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Elemental Crisis 
- 01-18-11 09:10 - 1 comments
Hello Everyone,

While sitting here at my desk realizing its way to early for me to be awake I decided I wanted to address some general questions I've been asked this past week or so.

- The Esquire skin was removed.
- Google Ads have been removed, I did promise to remove them back in December.
- The contest is on hold for now until Megaman has time to revise it and we have members willing to enter.
- I've heard your demands requests and I'll put up a temporary site until our new one is finished. The portal will also be removed once this is done.
- The new skins will get an RPG Crisis logo later this week.
- I'll be working on the different sections of RPG Crisis this week. Work order is as follows: Forum mod install (Prefix), general maintenance work, finish Resource Database and content uploads.

That's pretty much it, or at least what I can remember. As usual if you have any questions or feedback, post it.
Read 246 times - last comment by Mako Star     

New Skins Uploaded

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Elemental Crisis 
- 12-28-10 23:57 - 7 comments
Hello Everyone,

I've added some news skins, 6 total for everyone to try out. I looked for different types and color schemes so they all wouldn't be the same. I'm personally trying out Rouge 2 and it's pretty nice and very colorful.

No particular skin has to "win" or be voted on to keep, if a skin is liked then I'll keep it and customize it for RPG Crisis. I'll continue my search for additional skins so broaden our choices.

Let me know what you guys/girls think. :)
Read 241 times - last comment by Mako Star     

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