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 [RMVX] Stand/Walk/Run
post Jan 30 2008, 03:32 AM
Post #1


Group: Unknown
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Script Name: Stand/Walk/Run
Written By: Synthesize
Current Version: V.2.00A
Release Date: January 26, 2008

What is this script?
This script allows running and animations for running. It also allows idle stances (Show the sprite when he is not moving).

- Allows you to have running animations
- Allows you to have idle animations
- Allows you to specify the time before the actor goes idle
- Allows you to have run points
- Allows you to customize how many run points are restored
- Turn everything ON/OFF

Version History:
Version 2.00A
- The script should actually work now =D

Version 1.00A
- First release
- Converted from my RMXP Version

Triton Server


# Stand/Walk/Run Script --- RMVX Version
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 2.00
# January 26, 2008
#     Revised: March 1, 2008
# Customization
module StandWalkRun
  Use_run = true   # Use Run Points?
  Use_run_sprite = true    # Use a Running sprite?
  Run_sprite_suffix = '_run'   # Running Sprite Suffix
  Run_points = 100   # The maximum amount of Run Points
  Run_points_restore = 60   # 1 Run Point is restored in X Frames
  Restore_run_while_walking = true   # Restore points while walking?
  Use_idle_sprite = true   # Use Idle Sprite?
  Idle_sprite_suffix = '_idle'   # idle Sprite Suffix
  Use_anime = true   # Animate your Idle Sprite?
  Idle_time = 240    # Time before sprite is animated
# Scene_Map:: The main functions of the script are here
class Scene_Map   # Aliases
  alias syn_map_update update
  alias syn_map_start start
  # Initiate variables
  def start
    $game_player.old_character_name = $game_player.character_name
    @wait_time = 0
    @wait_time2 = 0
  # Rewrite Scene_Change to reset sprite
  def update_scene_change
    return if $game_player.moving?
    case $game_temp.next_scene
    when "battle"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "shop"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "name"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "menu"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "save"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "debug"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "gameover"
    when "title"
      $game_temp.next_scene = nil
  # Update:: Update the scene
  def update
    if Input.dir4 == 0
      wait(1, false) if StandWalkRun::Use_idle_sprite
      call_idle($game_player.character_name + StandWalkRun::Idle_sprite_suffix, StandWalkRun::Use_anime) if @wait_time == StandWalkRun::Idle_time
      $game_temp.syn_state = "idle"
      restore_run if StandWalkRun::Use_run
      $game_temp.syn_state = ""
      restore_run if StandWalkRun::Restore_run_while_walking
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false) if $game_player.character_name != $game_player.old_character_name
  # Call_Idle:: Sets and animates the idle Sprite
  def call_idle(sprite, anime)
    $game_player.set_graphic(sprite, 0)
  # Restore_Run: Restore Run Points
  def restore_run
    if $game_player.run_points       wait(1, true)
      $game_player.run_points += 1 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
      @wait_time2 = 0 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
  # Wait:: Allows Wait Times
  def wait(duration, value)
    for i in 0...duration
      @wait_time += 1 if value == false
      @wait_time2 += 1 if value
      break if i >= duration / 2
# Game_Temp:: Create current state
class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :syn_state
  alias syn_temp_init initialize
  def initialize
    @syn_state = ""
# Game_Character:: Create the Change_Sprite method
class Game_Character
  # Attr(s)
  attr_accessor :old_character_name
  attr_accessor :run_points
  alias syn_ch_init initialize
  # Initialize Variables
  def initialize
    @run_points = StandWalkRun::Run_points
  # Set Setp Animation
  def set_step_anime(value)
    @step_anime = value
    return @step_anime
# Game_Player:: This handles the dash process
class Game_Player   alias syn_player_update update
  alias syn_player_dash dash?
  def dash?
    return false if @run_points == 0 and StandWalkRun::Use_run
  # Update:: Update the scene
  def update
    if dash?
      unless $game_temp.syn_state == "idle"
        set_graphic(@character_name + StandWalkRun::Run_sprite_suffix, 0) if StandWalkRun::Use_run_sprite
        @run_points -= 1
      changed = false
#            * This script is not compatible with RPG Maker XP *
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 2.00
# Requested by Cerulean Sky
# Stand/Walk/Run   - RMVX Version

Questions? Concerns? Post.
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post Mar 14 2008, 06:58 PM
Post #2


Group: Unknown
Posts: 1
Joined: 12-March 08
Member No.: 1,001

In this portion of the code I get an error at line 99.
Script 'StandWalkRun' line 99: NoMethodError occurred.
undefined method `
  # Restore_Run: Restore Run Points
  def restore_run
    if $game_player.run_points       wait(1, true)
      $game_player.run_points += 1 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
      @wait_time2 = 0 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
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 Elemental Crisis
post Mar 15 2008, 02:40 PM
Post #3


Group: Owner
Posts: 220
Joined: 27-November 07
Member No.: 1


I've edited the original post to include the most recent version of this script. Remove the old script and try the updated one.
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