Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/ec/public_html/forums/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_profile.php on line 1173

Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/ec/public_html/forums/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_profile.php on line 1173

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30 Jan 2008
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[RMVX] Stand/Walk/Run
Script Name: Stand/Walk/Run
Written By: Synthesize
Current Version: V.2.00A
Release Date: January 26, 2008

What is this script?
This script allows running and animations for running. It also allows idle stances (Show the sprite when he is not moving).

- Allows you to have running animations
- Allows you to have idle animations
- Allows you to specify the time before the actor goes idle
- Allows you to have run points
- Allows you to customize how many run points are restored
- Turn everything ON/OFF

Version History:
Version 2.00A
- The script should actually work now =D

Version 1.00A
- First release
- Converted from my RMXP Version

Triton Server


# Stand/Walk/Run Script --- RMVX Version
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 2.00
# January 26, 2008
#     Revised: March 1, 2008
# Customization
module StandWalkRun
  Use_run = true   # Use Run Points?
  Use_run_sprite = true    # Use a Running sprite?
  Run_sprite_suffix = '_run'   # Running Sprite Suffix
  Run_points = 100   # The maximum amount of Run Points
  Run_points_restore = 60   # 1 Run Point is restored in X Frames
  Restore_run_while_walking = true   # Restore points while walking?
  Use_idle_sprite = true   # Use Idle Sprite?
  Idle_sprite_suffix = '_idle'   # idle Sprite Suffix
  Use_anime = true   # Animate your Idle Sprite?
  Idle_time = 240    # Time before sprite is animated
# Scene_Map:: The main functions of the script are here
class Scene_Map   # Aliases
  alias syn_map_update update
  alias syn_map_start start
  # Initiate variables
  def start
    $game_player.old_character_name = $game_player.character_name
    @wait_time = 0
    @wait_time2 = 0
  # Rewrite Scene_Change to reset sprite
  def update_scene_change
    return if $game_player.moving?
    case $game_temp.next_scene
    when "battle"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "shop"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "name"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "menu"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "save"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "debug"
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false)
    when "gameover"
    when "title"
      $game_temp.next_scene = nil
  # Update:: Update the scene
  def update
    if Input.dir4 == 0
      wait(1, false) if StandWalkRun::Use_idle_sprite
      call_idle($game_player.character_name + StandWalkRun::Idle_sprite_suffix, StandWalkRun::Use_anime) if @wait_time == StandWalkRun::Idle_time
      $game_temp.syn_state = "idle"
      restore_run if StandWalkRun::Use_run
      $game_temp.syn_state = ""
      restore_run if StandWalkRun::Restore_run_while_walking
      call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false) if $game_player.character_name != $game_player.old_character_name
  # Call_Idle:: Sets and animates the idle Sprite
  def call_idle(sprite, anime)
    $game_player.set_graphic(sprite, 0)
  # Restore_Run: Restore Run Points
  def restore_run
    if $game_player.run_points       wait(1, true)
      $game_player.run_points += 1 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
      @wait_time2 = 0 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore
  # Wait:: Allows Wait Times
  def wait(duration, value)
    for i in 0...duration
      @wait_time += 1 if value == false
      @wait_time2 += 1 if value
      break if i >= duration / 2
# Game_Temp:: Create current state
class Game_Temp
  attr_accessor :syn_state
  alias syn_temp_init initialize
  def initialize
    @syn_state = ""
# Game_Character:: Create the Change_Sprite method
class Game_Character
  # Attr(s)
  attr_accessor :old_character_name
  attr_accessor :run_points
  alias syn_ch_init initialize
  # Initialize Variables
  def initialize
    @run_points = StandWalkRun::Run_points
  # Set Setp Animation
  def set_step_anime(value)
    @step_anime = value
    return @step_anime
# Game_Player:: This handles the dash process
class Game_Player   alias syn_player_update update
  alias syn_player_dash dash?
  def dash?
    return false if @run_points == 0 and StandWalkRun::Use_run
  # Update:: Update the scene
  def update
    if dash?
      unless $game_temp.syn_state == "idle"
        set_graphic(@character_name + StandWalkRun::Run_sprite_suffix, 0) if StandWalkRun::Use_run_sprite
        @run_points -= 1
      changed = false
#            * This script is not compatible with RPG Maker XP *
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 2.00
# Requested by Cerulean Sky
# Stand/Walk/Run   - RMVX Version

Questions? Concerns? Post.
30 Jan 2008
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[RMXP] Good VS Evil
Script Name: Good VS Evil --- RMXP Version
Written by: Synthesize
Version: 1.0.0
Released: January 26, 2008

What is it?
This script allows you to have each actor have an alignment and alignment points. The alignment raises similar to Baldur's Gate 'reputation' system where if you accumulate x amount of Alignment Points, then your Alignment Level rises.

- Easily Add/Remove alignment points
- Easily check the Alignment Level
- Easily check the Alignment points
- Easy to customize
- Short

Primary Download Link


The Script:
# Good VS Evil --- RMXP Version
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.0.0
# January 26, 2008
#                            * RMXP Version *
module GoodVSEvil
  # The initial Alignment for actors
  Alignment_initial = {1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => -5}
  Alignment_initial.default = 0
  # The names of the alignments
  Alignment_names = ["Very Good", "Good", "Neutral", "Evil", "Devil Child"]
  # maximum amount of points
  Maximum_alignment = 100
  # Maximum amount of evil points
  Maximum_evil_alignment = -100
  # Format = {value => amount to check}
  Rates = {0 => 50, 1 => 25, 3 => -25, 4 => 50}
  # Rates configure how many Alignment points a character needs to have
  # there alignment 'upgrade'
  # $alignment commands:
  # $alignment.add(value, member)   # Adds value of alignment
  # $alignment.remove(value, member)   # Removes value from member
  # $alignment.checksum(amount, member)   # Check value of points then return
  # $alignment.checkname(member, name)   # Check if the alignment level is =name
# Create and set alignment points
class Game_Actor   attr_accessor :alignment
  attr_accessor :alignment_name
  alias syn_gve_setup setup
  # Setup Actor Alignment
  def setup(actor_id)
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_initial[actor_id]
    @alignment_name = "Neutral"
  # Return Alignment Values
  def alignment_value
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Maximum_alignment if @alignment > GoodVSEvil::Maximum_alignment
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Maximum_evil_alignment if @alignment     if @alignment >= GoodVSEvil::Rates[1]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[1]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[0] if @alignment > GoodVSEvil::Rates[0]
      return @alignment_name
    elsif @alignment       @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[3]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[4] if @alignment >= GoodVSEvil::Rates[4]
      return @alignment_name
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[2]
      return @alignment_name
# Window_MenuStatus add-on
class Window_Status   alias syn_gve_refresh refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(330, 400, 120, 32, "Alignment:")
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(450, 400, 120, 32, @actor.alignment_value)
# Alignment Management
class Alignment_Management
  def add(value, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].alignment += value
  def remove(value, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].alignment -= value
  def checksum(amount, member)
    if $game_party.actors[member].alignment >= amount
      return true
      return false
  def checkname(member, name)
    if $game_party.actors[member].alignment_name == name
      return true
      return false
# Scene_Title:: Create the Global Variable
class Scene_Title
  alias syn_gve_newgame command_new_game
  def command_new_game
    $alignment = Alignment_Management.new
#             * This script will not work with RPG Maker VX *
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.0.0
# January 26, 2008
# Good VS Evil --- RMXP Version

30 Jan 2008
Read Topic
[RMXP] Actor Customization
Script Name: Actor Customization
Written by: Synthesize
Current Version: V6.0.1
Release Date: January 21, 2008

What is it?

Actor Customization allows the player to build their playable characters based on Points earned from Quests or levels. By default, the playable characters gain a definable amount of points every time they level up, these points can then be used to add statistics to the actors.

New in Version 6.00
-- Ability to Raise HP with Strength
-- Ability to Raise SP with Intelligence
-- Draws Upgrade Points and level up display in the Menu
-- Remove previously used points
-- Customize the amount of points needed for one upgrade
-- Ability to use Classes instead of Actor IDs
-- Equipment Boosts
-- Easily customize the Skin
-- Comes with a new Data_Points class which makes management of the points easier.
-- Draw Faces
-- Draw pictures as the background
-- Draw the map as the background
-- Plus some

# My goal when I decided to make this script:

My goal for this script was to make a powerful custom level up procedure
but make everything user friendly and allow those without technical/rgss
history to customize the script to their liking while utilizing the full
capabilities of this script.

# This script is compatible with the following battle systems:

- UCoders NeoABS
- Blizzard ABS
- XRXS Zoom Battle System
- MrMo ABS and SDK 2.2
- Caldaron's ABS
- Prexus' ABS
- The RTAB
- These are only the battle systems I tested with. The script should be compatible with most battle systems.

(IMG:http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/5964/40312839po8.th.png) (IMG:http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6158/99027601og2.th.png) (IMG:http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/25/26246603mp7.th.png)

Triton Server

The Script:

# Actor Customization V.6.00    ----      RMXP Version
# Written by Synthesize
# January 21, 2008
# Script Version 6.0.1
#    * This script will not work with RMVX. A VX version is in the works. *
module ActorCustomization
  # System Settings
  # System settings are settings you should review before trying the script.
  # Each option has its own comments, and should be straightforward
  Points_gained_at_levelup = 5   # Points gained at level-up (0 = Disable)
  Draw_map_as_background = false   # Draw the Background as the map? False = Draw Picture::Name)
  Picture_name = 'sky'   # The picture to draw as a background ('' for Black)
  Error_sound = '057-Wrong01'   # The sound to play if there is an error
  Use_class_id = false   # Advance characters based on the class ID
  Call_after_battle = false   # Automatically call Scene_AC at level-up
  Draw_face = false   # Draw the actors face?
  Use_help_window = true   # Use the help window?
  # Maximum Values
  # Set these values if you are using a Maximum Statistics script (Go over the
  # stat limits). If not, leave these values as is.
  Max_hp = 9999
  Max_sp = 9999
  Max_str = 999
  Max_dex = 999
  Max_agi = 999
  Max_int = 999
  # Point Options
  # These are all new settings. They directly control point options and allow
  # you the option of turning ON/OFF features and customizing how many points
  # are needed to upgrade one stat.
  Draw_point_in_menu = true   # Draw the amount of points on MenuStatus?
  Draw_levelup_notice_in_menu = true   # Draw levelup notice on MenuStatus?
  Point_name = "Upgrade points:"   # Point name
  Levelup_text = "(LVLUP)"    # Level Up text
  Raise_hp_with_strength = false   # HP raises as Strength raises
  Amount_to_raise = 0.15     # As a decimal
  Raise_sp_with_intelligence = false   # SP raises as Intelligence raises
  Amount_to_raise2 = 0.15    # As a decimal
  Remove_points = true   # Allow the player to remove used points
  Points_needed = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]   # The amount of points needed to upgrade
  # Health, SP, STR, DEX, AGI, INT respectively.
  # Statistical Growth Rate
  # This section allows you to customize how many numerical stats an attribute
  # rises based on the Actor.id or the Class_id.
  # Format = {Actor.id (or class_id) => Amount to raise}
  Actor_HP = {1 => 5, 2 => 5}
  # The default value. If a value is not specified, use the below.
  Actor_HP.default = 1
  # Format = {Actor.id (or class_id) => amount to raise)
  Actor_SP = {1 => 10, 2 => 3}
  Actor_SP.default = 1
  # Format = {Actor.id (or class_id) => amount to raise)
  Actor_STR = {1 => 7, 2 => 6}
  Actor_STR.default = 1
  # Format = {Actor.id (or class_id) => amount to raise)  
  Actor_DEX = {1 =>6, 2 => 2}
  Actor_DEX.default = 1
  # Format = {Actor.id (or class_id) => amount to raise)  
  Actor_AGI = {1 =>4, 2 => 1}
  Actor_AGI.default = 1  
  # Format = {Actor.id (or class_id) => amount to raise)
  Actor_INT = {1 => 3, 2 => 1}
  Actor_INT.default = 1
  # Equipment Boost Settings
  # Another new feature. Equipment boosts 'boost' statistics while an accessory
  # is equipped that possess one of the system attributes defined in the
  # equipment_id array. The equipment_amount array tells the script how much
  # an individual (or many) stats are boosted.
  # Use Equipment boosts?
  Use_equipment_boosts = true
  # Format = {System_attribute => Amount to boost}
  Equipment_amount = {17 => 5, 18 => 3, 19 => 6, 20 => 7, 21 => 8, 22 => 9}
  # The default Value. Should be 0 for best effect.
  Equipment_amount.default = 0
  # The system attributes.
  Equipment_id = [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]
  # Equipment_id = [HP Boost, SP Boost, STR Boost, DEX Boost, AGI Boost,
  # INT Boost]
  # Skin Settings
  # Another new section. This area allows you to adjust the placement of the
  # windows without having to go and dig around in the script. It should be
  # useful for beginners who want to make their own layout with the script, but
  # don't want to go and try to find the values to do it.
  Actor_window_horizontal = 0   # Adjust the Actor window ( -# =left, +# =right)
  Actor_window_vertical = 0   # Adjust the Actor Window ( -# =up, +# =down)
  Actor_window_opacity = 250   # The opacity of the window
  Actor_window_width = 275    # The width of the Actor window
  Actor_window_height = 85   # The height of the actor window
  Main_command_horizontal = 0   # Adjust the Command window ( -# =left, +# =right)
  Main_command_vertical = 0   # Adjust the Command Window ( -# =up, +# =down)
  Main_command_opacity = 250   # Adjsut the opacity
  Main_command_width = 275   # The width of the main command window
  Main_status_horizontal = 0   # Adjust the Actor Status window
  Main_status_vertical = 0    # Adjust the main-status window
  Main_status_opacity = 250   # Adjust the Main_Status opacity
  Main_status_width = 329    # The width of the Main Status
  Main_status_height = 305   # The height of the Main Status
  Main_confirm_horizontal = 0   # Adjust the confirm window
  Main_confirm_vertical = 0    # Adjust the confirm window
  Main_confirm_opacity = 250   # Adjust the opacity
  Main_help_horizontal = 0   # Adjust the help window
  Main_help_vertical = 0   # Adjust the help window
  Main_help_opacity = 250   # Adjust the opacity
  Main_help_width = 500   # The Confirm window width
  Main_help_height = 200   # The confirm window height
# What else is new?
  New in ACV6 is an internal class called Data_Points that makes the management
  of points significantly easier with Call Script commands. Currently, you can
  use the following syntaxes in a call script command. More will be added at a
  later time.
    add(amount, member)        Add the 'amount' of upgrade points to 'member'
    remove(amount, member)   Remove the 'amount' of upgrade points from 'member'
    view(member)           Return 'member' upgrade_points
    checksum(amount, member)  Check if 'member' points are within 'amount' range
    add_maxhp(amount, member)  Add max_hp 'amount' to 'member'
    add_hp(amount, member)   Add hp 'amount' to 'member'
    add_sp(amount, member)   Add sp 'amount' to 'member'
    add_maxsp(amount, member)  Add maxsp 'amount' to 'member'
    add_str(amount, member)    Add str 'amount' to 'member'
    add_dex(amount, member)    Add dex 'amount' to 'member'
    add_agi(amount, member)    Add agi 'amount' to 'member'
    add_int(amount, member)    Add int 'amount' to 'member'
    restore(member)          Fully heal 'member'
# My goal when I decided to make this script:
  My goal for this script was to make a powerful custom level up procedure
  but make everything user friendly and allow those without technical/rgss
  history to customize the script to their liking while utilizing the full
  capabilities of this script.

# This script is compatible with the following battle systems:
- UCoders NeoABS
- Blizzard ABS
- XRXS Zoom Battle System
- MrMo ABS and SDK 2.2
- Caldaron's ABS
- Prexus' ABS
- The RTAB
- May work with others. The above is what I tested with.
#                             ActorCustomization:: Main
# This handles all window calls, math and everything else related to the script
# in general. Editing is not advised.
class Scene_AC
  # Initialize variables
  def start(actor_index)
    @actor_index = actor_index
    @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
    if ActorCustomization::Use_class_id == false
      @hp = ActorCustomization::Actor_HP[@actor.id]
      @sp = ActorCustomization::Actor_SP[@actor.id]
      @str = ActorCustomization::Actor_STR[@actor.id]
      @dex = ActorCustomization::Actor_DEX[@actor.id]
      @agi = ActorCustomization::Actor_AGI[@actor.id]
      @int = ActorCustomization::Actor_INT[@actor.id]
      @hp = ActorCustomization::Actor_HP[@actor.class_id]
      @sp = ActorCustomization::Actor_SP[@actor.class_id]
      @str = ActorCustomization::Actor_STR[@actor.class_id]
      @dex = ActorCustomization::Actor_DEX[@actor.class_id]
      @agi = ActorCustomization::Actor_AGI[@actor.class_id]
      @int = ActorCustomization::Actor_INT[@actor.class_id]
    unless $data_armors[@actor.armor4_id]== nil and ActorCustomization::Use_equipment_boosts == true
      @hp += ActorCustomization::Equipment_amount[ActorCustomization::Equipment_id[0]]
      @sp += ActorCustomization::Equipment_amount[ActorCustomization::Equipment_id[1]]
      @str += ActorCustomization::Equipment_amount[ActorCustomization::Equipment_id[2]]
      @dex += ActorCustomization::Equipment_amount[ActorCustomization::Equipment_id[3]]
      @agi += ActorCustomization::Equipment_amount[ActorCustomization::Equipment_id[4]]
      @int += ActorCustomization::Equipment_amount[ActorCustomization::Equipment_id[5]]
    @hp_spent = 0
    @sp_spent = 0
    @str_spent = 0
    @dex_spent = 0
    @agi_spent = 0
    @int_spent = 0
  # Main:: Calls all of the windows
  def main
    @main_command.active = false
    loop do
      if $scene != self
  # Main_Spriteset:: Calls the background
  def main_spriteset
    if ActorCustomization::Draw_map_as_background == true
      @background = Spriteset_Map.new
      @background = Sprite.new
      @background.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(ActorCustomization::Picture_name)
  # Main_Confirm:: Confirm Changes?
  def main_confirm
    c1 = "Yes"
    c2 = "No"
    @main_confirm_window = Window_Command.new(100, [c1, c2])
    @main_confirm_window.x = 320 + ActorCustomization::Main_confirm_horizontal
    @main_confirm_window.y = 150 + ActorCustomization::Main_confirm_vertical
    @main_confirm_window.opacity = ActorCustomization::Main_confirm_opacity
    @main_confirm_window.active = false
    @main_confirm_window.visible = false
    @main_confirm_window.z = 9999
  # Main_Status:: Creates the main status window
  def main_status
    @status_window = Window_AC_Status.new(@actor)
    @status_window.x = 18 + ActorCustomization::Main_status_horizontal
    @status_window.y = 56 + ActorCustomization::Main_status_vertical
    @status_window.opacity = ActorCustomization::Main_status_opacity
  # Main_Actor
  def main_actor
    @main_actor_window = Window_AC_Actor.new
    @main_actor_window.x = 344 + ActorCustomization::Actor_window_horizontal
    @main_actor_window.y = 277 + ActorCustomization::Actor_window_vertical
    @main_actor_window.opacity = ActorCustomization::Actor_window_opacity
    @main_actor_window.active = true
    @main_actor_window.z = 9998
  # Main_Help:: The Help Window
  def main_help
    @main_help = Window_AC_Help.new
    @main_help.x = 75 + ActorCustomization::Main_help_horizontal
    @main_help.y = 150 + ActorCustomization::Main_help_vertical
    @main_help.opacity = ActorCustomization::Main_help_opacity
    @main_help.visible = false
    @main_help.active = false
    @main_help.z = 10000
  # Main_Command:: This handles all progression
  def main_command
    s1 = ">"
    s2 = ">"
    s3 = ">"
    s4 = ">"
    s5 = ">"
    s6 = ">"
    @main_command = Window_Command.new(ActorCustomization::Main_command_width, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6])
    @main_command.x = 343 + ActorCustomization::Main_command_horizontal
    @main_command.y = 56 + ActorCustomization::Main_command_vertical
    @main_command.opacity = ActorCustomization::Main_command_opacity
  # Dispose_Windows:: Clears all of the sprites that AC uses
  def dispose_windows
    @status_window.clear_face if ActorCustomization::Draw_face == true
  # Call_refresh:: Refreshes the Screen
  def call_refresh(value)
    if value == 1
  # Update:: Updates Actor Customization
  def update
    if @main_actor_window.active
    if @main_command.active
    if @main_confirm_window.active
    if @main_help.active
  # Update_Actor:: Updates the actor screen
  def update_actor
    total_point_spent = (@hp_spent + @sp_spent + @str_spent + @dex_spent + @agi_spent + @int_spent)
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      if total_point_spent == 0
        $scene = Scene_Map.new
        @main_confirm_window.active = true
        @main_confirm_window.visible = true
        @main_actor_window.active = false
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      if total_point_spent == 0
        @actor_index = @main_actor_window.index
        @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
        @main_command.active = true
        @main_actor_window.active = false
        @main_confirm_window.active = true
        @main_confirm_window.visible = true
        @main_actor_window.active = false
  # Update_Commands:: Updates the Commands
  def update_commands
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      @main_command.active = false
      @main_actor_window.active = true
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C) && ActorCustomization::Use_help_window == true
      @main_command.active = false
      @main_help.active = true
      @main_help.visible = true
    if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
      decrease_points if ActorCustomization::Remove_points == true
    if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
  # Update_Confirm:: This asks for confirmation.
  def update_confirm
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @main_confirm_window.index
      when 0 # Yes
        @hp_spent = 0
        @sp_spent = 0
        @str_spent = 0
        @dex_spent = 0
        @agi_spent = 0
        @int_spent = 0
        @actor_index = @main_actor_window.index
        @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
        @main_command.active = true
        @main_actor_window.active = false
        @main_confirm_window.active = false
        @main_confirm_window.visible = false
      when 1 # No
        @main_confirm_window.active = false
        @main_confirm_window.visible = false
        @main_command.active = true
  # Update Help:: This is the help window
  def update_help
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      @main_help.active = false
      @main_help.visible = false
      @main_command.active = true
  # Increase Points:: This adds/removes points
  def increase_points
    case @main_command.index
    when 0
      if @actor.upgrade_points >= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[0] && @actor.maxhp         $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
        @actor.upgrade_points -= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[0]
        @actor.hp += @hp
        @actor.maxhp += @hp
        @hp_spent += 1
        @actor.used_hp_points += 1
    when 1
      if @actor.upgrade_points >= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[1] && @actor.maxsp         $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
        @actor.upgrade_points -= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[1]
        @actor.sp += @sp
        @actor.maxsp += @sp
        @sp_spent += 1
        @actor.used_sp_points += 1
    when 2
      if @actor.upgrade_points >= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[2] && @actor.str         $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
        @actor.upgrade_points -= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[2]
        @actor.str += @str
        @actor.hp += (@actor.str * ActorCustomization::Amount_to_raise) if ActorCustomization::Raise_hp_with_strength == true
        @str_spent += 1
        @actor.used_str_points += 1
    when 3
      if @actor.upgrade_points >= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[3] && @actor.dex         $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
        @actor.upgrade_points -= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[3]
        @actor.dex += @dex
        @dex_spent += 1
        @actor.used_dex_points += 1
    when 4
      if @actor.upgrade_points >= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[4] && @actor.agi         $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
        @actor.upgrade_points -= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[4]
        @actor.agi += @agi
        @agi_spent += 1
        @actor.used_agi_points += 1
    when 5
      if @actor.upgrade_points >= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[5] && @actor.int         $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)
        @actor.upgrade_points -= ActorCustomization::Points_needed[5]
        @actor.int += @int
        @actor.maxsp += (@actor.int * ActorCustomization::Amount_to_raise2) if ActorCustomization::Raise_sp_with_intelligence == true
        @actor.sp += (@actor.int * ActorCustomization::Amount_to_raise2) if ActorCustomization::Raise_sp_with_intelligence == true
        @int_spent += 1
        @actor.used_int_points += 1
  # Decrease Points:: This is where points are removed
  def decrease_points
    case @main_command.index
    when 0
      if @actor.used_hp_points != 0
        @actor.upgrade_points += ActorCustomization::Points_needed[0]
        @actor.hp -= @hp
        @actor.maxhp -= @hp
        @hp_spent -= 1
        @actor.used_hp_points -= 1
    when 1
      if @actor.used_sp_points != 0
        @actor.upgrade_points += ActorCustomization::Points_needed[1]
        @actor.sp -= @sp
        @actor.maxsp -= @sp
        @sp_spent -= 1
        @actor.used_sp_points -= 1
    when 2
      if @actor.used_str_points != 0
        @actor.upgrade_points += ActorCustomization::Points_needed[2]
        @actor.hp -= (@actor.str * ActorCustomization::Amount_to_raise) if ActorCustomization::Raise_hp_with_strength == true
        @actor.str -= @str
        @str_spent -= 1
        @actor.used_str_points -= 1
    when 3
      if @actor.used_dex_points != 0
        @actor.upgrade_points += ActorCustomization::Points_needed[3]
        @actor.dex -= @dex
        @dex_spent -= 1
        @actor.used_dex_points -= 1
    when 4
      if @actor.used_agi_points != 0
        @actor.upgrade_points += ActorCustomization::Points_needed[4]
        @actor.agi -= @agi
        @agi_spent -= 1
        @actor.used_agi_points -= 1
    when 5
      if @actor.used_int_points != 0
        @actor.upgrade_points += ActorCustomization::Points_needed[5]
        @actor.sp -= (@actor.int * ActorCustomization::Amount_to_raise2) if ActorCustomization::Raise_sp_with_intelligence == true
        @actor.maxsp -= (@actor.int * ActorCustomization::Amount_to_raise2) if ActorCustomization::Raise_sp_with_intelligence == true
        @actor.int -= @int
        @int_spent -= 1
        @actor.used_int_points -= 1
  # Call Sound:: Play the error sound
  def call_sound
# End Main ActorCustomization Section.
# Below you will find the method used to add points at level-up
# as well as all of the windows that are needed.
# Game_Actor:: Alias methods
#    Create points for actors and add points at level_up
class Game_Actor   attr_accessor :upgrade_points
  attr_accessor :used_hp_points
  attr_accessor :used_sp_points
  attr_accessor :used_str_points
  attr_accessor :used_dex_points
  attr_accessor :used_agi_points
  attr_accessor :used_int_points
  # Aliases
  alias synthesize_ac_setup setup
  alias synthesize_ac_battle exp=
  # Setup
  def setup(actor_id)
    @upgrade_points = 0
    @used_hp_points = 0
    @used_sp_points = 0
    @used_str_points = 0
    @used_dex_points = 0
    @used_agi_points = 0
    @used_int_points = 0
  # Add Points
  def exp=(exp)
    @exp = [[exp, 9999999].min, 0].max
    # Level up
    while @exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] and @exp_list[@level+1] > 0
      @level += 1
      @upgrade_points += ActorCustomization::Points_gained_at_levelup
      # Learn skill
      for j in $data_classes[@class_id].learnings
      if j.level == @level
    $scene = Scene_AC.new if ActorCustomization::Call_after_battle == true
# Begin AC windows
#      Here you will find all of the contents that make up AC.
# Actor Window
class Window_AC_Actor   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Initialize
  def initialize
    super(0, 0, ActorCustomization::Actor_window_width, ActorCustomization::Actor_window_height)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.active = false
    self.index = -1
    @item_max = $game_party.actors.size
    @column_max = 2
    self.active = false
    self.index = 0
  # Draw_Actor
  def draw_actor
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      self.contents.draw_text(65, 50, 100, 100, $game_party.item_number(1).to_s)
      x = i * 65
      y = 50
      draw_actor_graphic(actor, x + 20, y)
  # * Cursor Rectangle Update
  def update_cursor_rect
    self.cursor_rect.set(0 + index * 65, 0, 40, 54)
# Window_AC_Status
class Window_AC_Status   #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Initialize
  def initialize(actor)
    super(32, 32, ActorCustomization::Main_status_width, ActorCustomization::Main_status_height)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height- 32)
  # Refresh
  def refresh(actor)
    draw_actor_graphic(actor, 35, 50) if ActorCustomization::Draw_face == false
    draw_actor_face(actor, 35, 50) if ActorCustomization::Draw_face == true
    draw_actor_class(actor, 85, 20)
    draw_actor_name(actor, 80, 0)
    draw_actor_level(actor, 176, 0)
    draw_actor_hp(actor, 4, 68, 172)
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 12, 100, 100, "Points used:")
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 60, 100, 50, "#{$data_system.words.hp}:   #{actor.used_hp_points}", 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 84, 100, 50, "#{$data_system.words.sp}:    #{actor.used_sp_points}", 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 120, 100, 50, "#{$data_system.words.str}:    #{actor.used_str_points}", 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 144, 100, 50, "#{$data_system.words.dex}:    #{actor.used_dex_points}", 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 168, 100, 50, "#{$data_system.words.agi}:    #{actor.used_agi_points}", 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 192, 100, 50, "#{$data_system.words.int}:    #{actor.used_int_points}", 2)
    draw_actor_sp(actor,4, 90, 172)
    draw_actor_parameter(actor, 4, 132, 3)
    draw_actor_parameter(actor, 4, 156, 4)
    draw_actor_parameter(actor, 4, 180, 5)
    draw_actor_parameter(actor, 4, 204, 6)
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(175, 205, 100, 100, "Points:")
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 205, 100, 100, actor.upgrade_points.to_s, 2)
  # Draw_Face
  def draw_actor_face(actor, x, y)
    @face = Sprite.new
    @face.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(actor.character_name + "_face")
    @face.x = x
    @face.y = y
    @face.z = 9999
  # Clear Face
  def clear_face
# Window_Main_Help::  This draws the help contents
class Window_AC_Help   def initialize
    super(0, 0, ActorCustomization::Main_help_width, ActorCustomization::Main_help_height)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
  def refresh
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 350, 30, "1.) Select the character to edit", 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 24, 350, 30, "2.) Use the arrow keys to add/remove points", 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 48, 400, 30, "3.) The characters stats will increase depending on the stat chosen.", 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 72, 450, 30, "4.) You can see how many points are in each stat with the display window.", 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 96, 450, 30, "5.) Always use up all of your stat points.", 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 120, 450, 30, "6.) Once complete, press the cancel key to return to your adventure.", 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 144, 450, 30, "Press the ENTER key to close this window.", 2)
# MenuStatus:: Draw points/level-up display in the menu
#    Note: This feature may/may not work with a CMS
class Window_MenuStatus   alias synthesize_menu_refresh refresh
  def refresh
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      x = 64
      y = i * 116
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      if actor.upgrade_points != 0 && ActorCustomization::Draw_levelup_notice_in_menu == true
        self.contents.font.color = system_color
        w = contents.text_size(actor.name).width
        self.contents.draw_text(x + w, y, 100, 30, "#{ActorCustomization::Levelup_text}")
      self.contents.font.color = system_color
      self.contents.draw_text(x + 225, y, 100, 30, "#{ActorCustomization::Point_name}") if ActorCustomization::Draw_point_in_menu == true
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(x + 346, y, 50, 30, "#{actor.upgrade_points}") if ActorCustomization::Draw_point_in_menu == true
# Data_Points:: This class is designed to make it easier to add/remove points
# with a call script command.
class Data_Points
  # Add points to target member
  def add(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].upgrade_points += amount
  # Remove target member points
  def remove(amount, member)
    add(-amount, member)
  # Return target member points
  def view(member)
    return $game_party.actors[member].upgrade_points
  # Check if member has X points. Return result
  def checksum(amount, member)
    if $game_party.actors[member].upgrade_points >= amount
      return true
      return false
  # Add max HP to target member
  def add_maxhp(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].maxhp += amount
  # Add HP to target member
  def add_hp(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].hp += amount
  # Add MaxSP to target member
  def add_maxsp(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].maxsp += amount
  # Add SP to target member
  def add_sp(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].sp += amount
  # Add str to target member
  def add_str(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].str += amount
  # Add dex to target member
  def add_dex(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].dex += amount
  # Add Int to target member
  def add_int(amount, member)
    $game_party.actors[member].int += amount
  # Restore Target members HP and SP
  def restore(member)
    $game_party.actors[member].hp = $game_party.actors[member].maxhp
    $game_party.actors[member].sp = $game_party.actors[member].maxsp
# Command_New_Game:: Store Data_Points into a variable
class Scene_Title
  alias synthesize_commandnewgame_ac command_new_game
  def command_new_game
    $data_points = Data_Points.new
#   * This script will not work with RMVX. A VX version is in the works. *
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 6.0.1
# January 21, 2008
# Actor Customization!   ----  RMXP Version

Q: How do I call this script?
A: $scene = Scene_AC.new

Questions? Concerns? Feel free to post them.
30 Jan 2008
Read Topic
[RMVX] Good VS Evil
Script Name: Good VS Evil
Written by: Synthesize
Version: 1.0.0
Release Date: January 26, 2008

What is it?
This script allows the end user (you) to give each playable character an alignment and alignment points. The system works similar to the Baldur's Gate 'reputation system', where x amount of Upgrade points increase the actors alignment. The script automatically draws the alignment in the status screen.

# Good VS Evil --- RMVX Version
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.0.0
# January 26, 2008
#                            * RMVX Version *
module GoodVSEvil
  # The initial Alignment for actors
  Alignment_initial = {1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => -5}
  Alignment_initial.default = 0
  # The names of the alignments
  Alignment_names = ["Very Good", "Good", "Neutral", "Evil", "Devil Child"]
  # maximum amount of points
  Maximum_alignment = 100
  # Maximum amount of evil points
  Maximum_evil_alignment = -100
  # Format = {value => amount to check}
  Rates = {0 => 50, 1 => 25, 3 => -25, 4 => 50}
  # Rates configure how many Alignment points a character needs to have
  # there alignment 'upgrade'
  # $alignment commands:
  # $alignment.add(value, member)   # Adds value of alignment
  # $alignment.remove(value, member)   # Removes value from member
  # $alignment.checksum(amount, member)   # Check value of points then return
  # $alignment.checkname(member, name)   # Check if the alignment level is =name
# Create and set alignment points
class Game_Actor   attr_accessor :alignment
  attr_accessor :alignment_name
  alias syn_gve_setup setup
  # Setup Actor Alignment
  def setup(actor_id)
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_initial[actor_id]
    @alignment_name = "Neutral"
  # Return Alignment Values
  def alignment_value
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Maximum_alignment if @alignment > GoodVSEvil::Maximum_alignment
    @alignment = GoodVSEvil::Maximum_evil_alignment if @alignment     if @alignment >= GoodVSEvil::Rates[1]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[1]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[0] if @alignment > GoodVSEvil::Rates[0]
      return @alignment_name
    elsif @alignment       @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[3]
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[4] if @alignment >= GoodVSEvil::Rates[4]
      return @alignment_name
      @alignment_name = GoodVSEvil::Alignment_names[2]
      return @alignment_name
# Window_MenuStatus add-on
class Window_Status   alias syn_gve_refresh refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(32, 350, 120, 32, "Alignment:")
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(156, 350, 120, 32, @actor.alignment_value)
# Alignment Management
class Alignment_Management
  def add(value, member)
    $game_party.members[member].alignment += value
  def remove(value, member)
    $game_party.members[member].alignment -= value
  def checksum(amount, member)
    if $game_party.members[member].alignment >= amount
      return true
      return false
  def checkname(member, name)
    if $game_party.members[member].alignment_name == name
      return true
      return false
# Scene_Title:: Create the Global Variable
class Scene_Title
  alias syn_gve_game_object create_game_objects
  def create_game_objects
    $alignment = Alignment_Management.new
#             * This script will not work with RPG Maker XP *
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.0.0
# January 26, 2008
# Good VS Evil --- RMVX Version


Comments? Concerns? Post them.
30 Jan 2008
Read Topic
[RMVX] Battle Backgrounds
Script Name: Battle Backgrounds
Written by: Synthesize
Current version: Version 1.00A
Release Date: January 20, 2008

What is this script?
This simple script allows you to have a battle background instead of the abstract background which is the default for RPG Maker VX. Simply define the Background filename in the customization section, along with your Map_ID.

- Simple
- Easy to use
- Turn ON/OFF the battlefloor
- Once RMVX is released, I will interpret more features

Version History:
- Script is released

# Battle Backgrounds - RMVX
# Written by Synthesize
# January 20, 2008
# Version 1.00A
#                       * This script is untested. *
module SynBattleB
  # Place your battle backgrounds in the 'Pictures' folder (Graphics/Pictures)
  # Format = {map_id => Battleback Name}
  Battle_background =
  1 => "001-Grassland01",
  2 => "001-Grassland01"
  # Create the battlefloor?
  Create_battlefloor = false
  # This was being requested on quite a fe forums now, so I threw a quick script
  # together. It is nice and simple, and does what it is suppsoed to do. Once
  # RMVX is released in English, then I will add additional features into this.
# Spriteset_Battle
class Spriteset_Battle
  alias syn_create_battlefloor create_battlefloor
  # Create Battleback
  def create_battleback
    image = SynBattleB::Battle_background[$game_map.map_id]
    @battleback_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
    @battleback_sprite.bitmap = Cache.picture(image)
  def create_battlefloor
    @battlefloor_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
    syn_create_battlefloor if SynBattleB::Create_battlefloor == true
#                        * This script is untested *
# Version 1.00A
# January 20, 2008
# Written by Synthesize
# Battle Backgrounds - RMVX

Questions? Concerns? Post them.
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