Forum Terms & Rules
When posting a new topic or replying to a topic, please keep in mind what you are posting, and take note of the following rules:
- Derogatory Remarks/Flaming/Trolling results in a warn level increase depending on the severity of the post in question.
- Spamming/Brief Posting/Necroposting Without Reason/Bumping results in a 10% warn level increase per SPAM post. Making 3 or more SPAM posts made within a week will lead to a post validation.
- Negative Comments/Remarks against the following: sex, race, religion, sexual orientation and ethnic group results in an immediate permanent ban.
- Links that contain illegal material will be removed. Increase warn level and post validation enabled. This applies to both direct or indirect links. Maker related programs exluding RPG Maker XP, RPG Maker VX and Indie Game Maker are ok.
- Images/Videos/Links that contain adult content are not allowed on RPG Crisis and will be removed. Increase warn level and post validation enabled. This applies to both direct or indirect links.
Additional Information:
Language Filter: We currently do not have a language filter however keep in mind you can and will be warned for abuse.
Warnings: Each warning given or removed will change by 10%. If you've been warned, your warn level will go down 10% each month.
Post Validation: If you are on post validation, then your posts will not be published on the forums unless a moderator approves it. Post moderation will be lifted according to a PM sent to you when issued a disciplinary action.
Unfair Disciplinary Actions: If issued a disciplinary action but you feel that it was either not warranted or unfair, then please contact Elemental Crisis via the Personal Message (PM) system, explaining the punishment and why you believe it was unjust. He will review the problem and determine if the disciplinary action taken was indeed unjust or fair. His decision is final. If you attempt to argue about it, additional disciplinary actions will be taken.
Avatars: Each member may either select an avatar from the list or upload their own in our server. Additionally, you may link to it if it's hosted on a external server. Avatars may not exceed 140 pixels x 140 pixels, anything beyond will be resized automatically.
Signatures: Each member is allowed to have 2 images in their signature. Images may NOT exceed 550 pixels x 200 pixels in size. At this time, we do not offer signature hosting, so you will need to find an external host.
Advertising: You may advertise your site in our advertising section under General Discussion. You may also place a link to your site in your profile and signature.
- Spamming
The act of posting a single reply and/or multiple replies that do not contribute to the topic. It is also considered spamming with posts that contain only several words with the motive of increasing post count, posts having little or no relevance to the thread's subject discussion are SPAM.
- Flamming
Attacking another member and/or singling them out using offensive language, derogatory terms or general rudeness.
- Brief Posting
Posts that are not necessarily spam, but they may not be elaborate enough to be passed off as a useful, legitimate post. To consider a post "brief" or "vague", they usually contain 4 or less words, such as "Thanks a lot", "I agree", or "I like it".
- Trolling
Obscene messages that may have no significant relevance to any discussion that could also relate to spam. Also involves the "hit-and-run" posts.
- Necroposting
The act of reviving a thread considered dead. A thread is considered dead when there hasn't been any new posts within weeks/months/years since the last post. Unless your reply is relevant to the dead thread, don't do it.
- Bumping
Purposely bringing back up an old thread in an attempt to attract the attention of other users browsing the forum. Bumping can be considered useful if for example, you're updating the community on the progress of your game and you were the last previous poster.