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They call me Norman the Expressionless and I was instructed to seek you out, the wanderer. You must be something special for them to hire me and come find out. I wonder what makes you so special; perhaps you have some super power and are destined to save the universe! Just kidding, they told me to find you because you have nice hair and they want to harvest it to create the perfect hair.

So yeah, you should totally join this fine community they’ve established here. Heck, if you need even more reasons I suppose I can list off a few of the perks.
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I could keep listing all the awesome benefits and perks but why not discover them for yourself?
Guest Message by DevFuse

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Tutorial/Script info Visit support topic

  • Added on: Nov 03 2012 09:13 AM
  • Views: 104
  • Version Number: 1.00
  • Number of Scripts: 1

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0 Ratings

Battle Party Data Display

This script will show more Party Member data in the Battle Screen.

Posted by Elemental Crisis on Nov 03 2012 09:13 AM
Script Name: Battle Party Data Display

Yanfly said:

I got pretty fed up with only seeing two statuses, no visual party members, and wondering why RPG Maker VX went back to RPG Maker 2000’s hud when RPG Maker XP’s hud was already good. I went ahead and mixed what I could for the two huds and came up with this. It’s not the greatest thing ever, but I like a lot more than what it was before. Main reason is because the original RPG Maker VX hud could only display two status effects. That generally isn’t enough for me. This one’s capable of displaying up to 4. Since there’s not too much modifiable content with this script, I’ll go ahead and explain what this script can do right here. You can turn on/off the face art. You can modify face opacity. You can turn on/off the sprites. You can change how many status effects it’ll show maximum.

Here are the things you can change under the module. They don’t really do anything internal to the script, but they make basic changes to what you visually see.

- If true, it’ll show the face art in the window.
- If false, they won’t appear at all.

- This changes the opacity of the face art.
- If set to 0, it’s fully transparent.
- If set to 255, it’s completely opaque.

- If true, the party members’ sprites appear in the window.
- If false, they won’t appear at all.

- This value determines the maximum number of status effects that’ll be displayed.
- If the value is higher than 4, it’ll still appear, but in the next ally’s window space.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Attached File  Battle Party Data Display.txt   8.51K   34 downloads

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