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    Tutorial/Script info

    • Added on: 01 August 2010 - 10:58 PM
    • Views: 1,080
    Description: In this tutorial, Willowsidhe will demonstrate how to make a character use a skill to light two different torches and only after both torches are lit, will the door be opened. This is assuming that the hero has already learned a FIRE 1 skill. From this tutorial, you can expand this to include more than two torches if you want.

    Written by Willowsidhe

    1.) First, you will need a character set of an unlit torch. You can find the unlit torch character set here: RMXP Unlit Torch Character Set

    2.) Create an event where you want the first unlit torch to be and name it TORCH 1. Give it a graphic of the unlit torch and save.

    3.) Back at your map, create another event where you want the second torch to be (this can be on a different map or where ever you want it). Name this event TORCH 2 and give it the same graphic. Save.

    4.) Now back at your map, create a third event, name it DOOR and give it a graphic of the door you want to use. Save.

    5.) Now go back to the map and select TORCH 1. Bring up the event commands again and select SHOW TEXT. Type in something like "It would be a lot brighter in here if someone lit this torch." and select OK.

    6.) Bring up event commands again and select SHOW CHOICE. For choice 1, put something like "Light the torch" and for choice 2, put something like "Leave it alone" and save.

    7.) Double click on the @> under where it says LIGHT THE TORCH to bring up event commands.

    8.) Select CONDITIONAL BRANCH on the first page. Go to page 2 of the CONDITIONAL BRANCH window and select the radio button next to ACTOR. Select your hero from the ACTOR drop down box. Now, select the radio button next to SKILL and select FIRE from the drop down box next to it. (This will check to make sure that your player has, in fact, learned the FIRE skill before he can light the torch with said skill.) Click ok.

    9.) Double click on the @> under where it says CONDITIONAL BRANCH to bring up event commands.

    10.) On page 3, select SHOW BATTLE ANIMATION from the second column. Select the radio button beside ACTOR and select ACTOR No. 1 from the drop down box. Select CAST MAGIC from the ANIMATION drop down box below that. Click ok.

    11.) Click on the @> under SHOW BATTLE ANIMATION. On page 2 of event commands, select SHOW ANIMATION from the first column. In the show animation box, select TORCH 1 for CHARACTER and FIRE 1 for ANIMATION. Click ok.

    12.) Double click on the @> under SHOW ANIMATION and go to page 2 of event commands. Select WAIT from page 1 and set the time to 5 FRAMES.

    13.) Now double click the @> under WAIT and select PLAY SE from page 2, second column. Now select an unlocking sound (I think SWITCH 4 works nicely) and click OK.

    14.) Double click on the @> under the MOVE ROUTE you just created and select CONTROL SWITCHES from the first page, second column. Click on the three little dots next to the SINGLE drop down box. A new window will pop up where you can create a new switch called TORCH 1. Click ok. Make sure operation is set to ON and click ok again.

    15.) Double click on the @> under where it says CONTROL SWITCHES and select CONTROL SELF SWITCH from page 1, column 2. Set SELF SWITCH A to ON. Click ok.

    16.) Click the NEW EVENT PAGE button at the top of the event. On the new page, make the graphic the lit torch and under CONDITIONS check the box next to SELF SWITCH and make sure A is set to ON. Also, make sure the MOVE ANIMATION and STOP ANIMATION boxes are checked.

    17.) Now go back to page 1 of the event and click the @> under where it says ELSE and select SHOW TEXT. Type in something like "I don't know how to call fire." and click ok. (This is what will be displayed if the player has not learned a fire spell yet.)

    18.) Save the event and repeat steps 5-18 for the TORCH 2 event, remember to replace anything that says TORCH 1 with TORCH 2. (On step 14, make sure you create a completely different switch and call it TORCH 2 or it won't work!)

    19.) Now that you have your TORCH events finished, go back to the map and select your DOOR event.

    20.) Bring up EVENT COMMANDS and select CONDITIONAL BRANCH from page 1. Select the radio button next to SWITCH and make sure TORCH 1 is set to ON. Click ok.

    21.) Double click the @> under where it says CONDITIONAL BRANCH and select CONDITIONAL BRANCH again from page 1. This time, set the SWITCH TORCH 2 to ON. Click ok.

    22.) Double click the @> under the second CONDITIONAL BRANCH and select PLAY SE from page 2, second column. Choose a sound effect for an opening door and press ok.

    23.) Now, double click the @> under PLAY SE and select CONTROL SELF SWITCH from page 1. Set SELF SWITCH A to ON and click OK.

    24.) Click the NEW EVENT PAGE BUTTON from the top of the event.

    25.) On the second page, under conditions, check the box next to SELF SWITCH and set A to ON. Now set the graphic to the second door graphic down (where the door is slightly open). Set the TRIGGER to AUTORUN.

    26.) Bring up event commands and select WAIT from page 1, first column. Set the time to 4 FRAMES and click ok.

    27.) Double click the @> under WAIT and select CONTROL SELF SWITCH. THis time, set SWITCH B to ON.

    28.) Now click on NEW EVENT PAGE to create a third page. On the new page, under conditions, check the box next to SELF SWITCH and set B to ON. Now set the graphic to the third door down (where the door is almost open). Set the TRIGGER to AUTORUN.

    29.) Bring up event commands and select WAIT from page 1, first column. Set the time to 4 FRAMES and click ok.

    30.) Double click the @> under WAIT and select CONTROL SELF SWITCH. THis time, set SWITCH C to ON.

    31.) Now click on NEW EVENT PAGE to create a third page. On the new page, under conditions, check the box next to SELF SWITCH and set C to ON. Now set the graphic to the fourth door down (where the door is all the way open). Set the TRIGGER to AUTORUN.

    32.) Bring up event commands and select WAIT from page 1, first column. Set the time to 4 FRAMES and click ok.

    33.) Double click the @> under WAIT and select CONTROL SELF SWITCH. THis time, set SWITCH A to OFF.

    34.) Double click the @> under CONTROL SELF SWITCH and select CONTROL SELF SWTICH again, set SWITCH B to OFF.

    35.) Double click the @> under CONTROL SELF SWITCH and select CONTROL SELF SWITCH again, this time, setting SWITCH C to OFF.

    36.) Now, double click the @> under CONTROL SELF SWITCH and select TRANSFER PLAYER from page 2. Select the location that your player teleports to after walking through the door if you have one. (If you haven't created such a map yet, you can come back and add that in.)

    37.) Now go back to page 1 of the EVENT and select the @> under where it says ELSE. Select show text and type in something like "This door is locked. There must be some way to open it." (This is what will be displayed if the player has not lit the torches yet.) Copy this and paste it under the second place where it says ELSE.

    38.) Now save the event and you’re done!!
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