The Future of RPG Crisis
Posted on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 09:01 AM
By Elemental Crisis

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[Replies: 75]
Hello Everyone,

I've got a lot of information to share with everyone regarding a multitude of things relating to RPG Crisis. While this news post is aimed keeping everyone up to date with whats going on RPG Crisis is also serves another purpose, letting everyone know that I'm not just going to let RPG Crisis slowly fade away.

Recent Forum Chaos:

With our recent departure of several staff members we've been getting a lot of spam attacks. Unfourntely with myself and Ndrd being the old remaining staff members with moderation powers, the latter which is currently on vacation it's been hard attempting to respond to these attacks with it taking sometimes hours until I'm able to clean and restore order. I've been hesitint about promoting others to positions of power but I've read the responses from the community and decide it was time to take action.

Megaman8x has been promoted to Administrator.
Kyle Katarn has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Megaman will be helping me with all admin duties as well as behind the scenes work. Kyle, in addition to his former staff job (AGM/IGM Support) he will be keeping watch over the forums well I'm sleeping or at least supposed to be sleeping.

That should fill the void we have and should help speed up response times if were spammed or when a mod is needed.

Glimpse Into the Future:

You've seen me mention it a couple times, "A new RPG Crisis".

I've always mantained a certain policy that unless there was actual work going on or a project was at a certain stage where I decided it was ready I've never talked about upcoming changes to RPG Crisis. Obviously this caused some problems and certain ways of thinking when it came to the site and I. However, I now see its not fair of me to keep things like this a secret until were days away from launching or even on the launch itself. You should know whats going on in the community you visit so it doesint just all change the next time you happened to visit the site or forums.

So now I want to share whats been going on behind the scenes with RPG Crisis.

For the past month 1/2 I've been working on layout plans for what I'm calling the official version 2 of RPG Crisis. Its unlike anything you've ever seen here on RPG Crisis. Originally NES was sorta helping out before he left however now its just myself and 2 others, the graphics person and the coder. I'll reveal who these people are later on but I'm sure some of you will figure out at least 1 of them pretty quick.

While I don't have too much to share and while I wont be going into detail about the "New RPG Crisis" I do have this to show everyone.


That marvelous looking WIP layout your staring at is how the new main index for RPG Crisis will look. I've shown a few people the layout plans and they all loved the new look and direction RPG Crisis is going. Obviously its not finished yet but you should get the general idea of the color scheme and how it will look.

While I wont go into details at the moment there will be a big shift in content as well, currently all of our content excluding Resources is forum based and requires membership to download and/or view. With the "New RPG Crisis" this will be a thing of the past, all of our content excluding Resources will be site based and wont require membership to download and/or view. The site will be more then just a frontpage for the forums and I'm aiming to have it be the more active and visited part. Now this doesn't mean I'm killing the forums, I'm just trying to shift the focus to the site.

Forum Re-arrangement:

The forums will be re-arranged to better support all the different makers as well as help ease some navigation problems. We will also be introducing a TAG system to help seperate support questions/resources. For example if I was posting in the RPG Maker support section and I needed help with RMXP I would put, "[RMXP] Creating Teleports". Were looking into an automatic system where you just select the TAG and its added. Only the current active maker support sections will have their own section, the rest will be put together in an "Additional Makers" section where the TAG system will really come in handy.

This TAG system will also be used for support/discussion topics for Downloads, Games, Tutorials, Scripts and Reviews. This will allow us to have 1 section for each item removing the clutter created by having seperate sections for each maker for each item. For example, currently there's support sections for tutorials for each maker, this new system will allow us to combine 14 forum sections into 1.

The only downside in our switch and focus on content is that every topic and post in the Downloads, Tutorials, Scripts and Project Center will be removed and replaced with their new counterpart. Unfourntely its not possible to use exsisting threads, each addition on the site creates a new support/discussion topic rendering the current old one useless. Dont worry, I'm not going to instantly delete them at first, they will be archived to allow anyone to get anything they need before being deleted.

This is all for this news posts about the "New RPG Crisis". I'm planning to do additional news posts every week or so with more information and hopefully more images of the "New RPG Crisis" and whats in store.

Lack of Content:

You may of noticed I havent really uploaded anything in a bit even though I've mentioned a couple times that I will be. The reason is I dont want to upload content to the old system when it wont be up for that much longer. I plan to do weekly content updates in multiple sections once the new system is up and running and call me lazy but I dont want to upload the same thing twice.

I'll try to answer any questions anyone has about the "New RPG Crisis" however I've got some questions I'd like to ask you.

1. What do you think about "restarting" the forums. By "restarting" I mean just removing all current posts, you would still be a registered member. I think this would give us a nice clean fresh start along with Version 2 after everything thats happened. I would also inform you when they was going to happen so you could back up anything you need.

2. Now that we have additional staff to help me I was thinking that with the launch of Version 2 I would allow the community to vote and pick an additional Global Mod, all someone needs to be eligible is to be nominated by another member. Of course I would have final say.

Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2009 06:24 PM
By Elemental Crisis

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[Replies: 31]
Hello Everyone,

I write this with mixed emotions and with the feeling of betrayal still stinging me. An event took place here on RPG Crisis that has significantly changed myself and this site, RPG Crisis. On July 28th I received a message via Windows Live from fellow user Clone AKA DrDonut informing me of an impending attack orchestrated by none other then my 2nd in command, NES Player and Allen Hunter, a global moderator on the forums. At first I blew it off thinking Clone was trying to start something or was just messing around. I had talk to NES earlier and nothing seemed wrong and was even currently talking to Allen because I was testing his game like I promised to do. But then proof was provided and I'll admit, I didn't want to read it for the slight chance that it could actually be true. I thought to myself, "I've known NES for 5 years and Allen for over a year, they were people I trusted and I considered them my friends." I read through the provided logs and I literally wanted to believe it wasn't true. I had just found out that 2 people who I considered friends, who I trusted and who I tried to do everything they asked of me such as hosting their sites, coding issues and basically anything else they needed intended to fuck me over and in the process attempt to bring down RPG Crisis. Now of course they said no they did-int and will continue to say that because they got caught in the act.

On July 28th, after getting home from work I canceled my plans with some friends. Fully knowing I had to be up in less then 7 hours I decided to sacrifice sleeping that night because I promised to test Allen's game and finish these layout designs NES and I were working on for a brand new version of RPG Crisis. Yes, we had been working on a brand new version of RPG Crisis that is unlike anything ever seen on RPG Crisis. I canceled my plans because I felt bad for not doing these 2 things I had promised to have done a couple days before the 28th. So I got on the computer, apologized to NES because he got offended I called him and Allen an "Asshole" ( for basically ruining Lyrics game. I explained to him why and told him I'm sorry and he accepted my apology. I didn't know he would get so offended and I didn't want my #2 guy being mad at me. At this time I started testing Allen's game which at this point NES told me he was going to bed and went "offline" but in reality either just blocked me or went invisible. So while I'm testing Allens game and giving feedback Him, NES and Clone started spamming RPG Crisis and unbanning spammers. They edited members profiles attempting to make it look like they were spamming and banned a member that left because of them. They had other plans as well like changing the logo with RPG Crisis crossed out and the 1337 version replacing it but they didn't get a chance to do it. They knew I was busy playing Allen's game knowing I wasn't going to be on the forums. This is when I got the messages from clone and after checking the situation out I demoted both of them and turned the forums offline. The irony is that Allen and NES actually got mad at me for demoting them and they tried telling me the spamming was just a game. I told them I had received an e-mail saying what they intended to do and they flipped. Clone had asked me to not say his name and so I didn't. They kept trying to tell me it was a game and I told them that I demoted them until I could figure out what was going on. I knew they were lying and and when I asked them if it was true they said no at first until I told them they were lying which they changed their tone and attitude and told me they were leaving.


A fight started and Allen posted his farewell topic which I replied to ( and NES sent me a list of reasons why he was leaving. I also want to point this out, NES and Allen only got mad at Lyric because they didn't want to be in a game created about a community they were planning to leave. Allen also said he wasn't asked if it was ok for him to be in the game yet when I asked him if he had asked Kav if he was ok with himself being in Allen's hate game which is a a complete Kav bashing game Allen said he didn't need to because they kav hate game was justified.


Well NES buddy you get the special privilege of me responding to your letter in this post you prick. Just so everyone knows NEs and Allen had no intention of telling me they were going to leave RPG Crisis, they were going to let me find out the same time as everyone else, shows how much they respected me.

My responses are the bold text.

I got some news for RPG Crisis,

I have been to RPG Crisis for an estimated period of 4 years, maybe less or maybe longer. I came to RPG Crisis as an escape place from a former RPG Maker site, X-RPG. RPG Crisis then was an excellent little community where the members can uphold decent conversations on the forums. But as time progressed, RPG Crisis has gone a long way downward. RPG Crisis is now an arena of arrogant, rude individuals who couldn't tolerate criticism given to them.

Elemental Crisis has my respect but unfortunately he does not respect me. Even worse he does not respect my fellow staff members and his entire website. He labeled me and Allen Hunter "assholes" for presenting opposition towards being starred in an RPG Maker project; he fails to be here when his staff members need him; although he plans on having a homepage with content, his strive is partial mainly to the forums; pushes forum activity by housing downloads on a forum module; requires members to register and post to enjoy his content; and essentially accused me for not being aggressive enough.
Apparently NES is super sensitive and felt I disrespected him and Allen by calling them "Assholes", I guess all the times they disrespected me dont matter. As NES and the other staff members know I don't have a lot of time, I work 2 jobs and dont get home usually till midnight. So I apologize NES for wanting to go to sleep after being up all day and working. I wish I could be on the computer like you and Allen for long periods of time! It wasn't just my plan NES, it was our plan to have a new site and you knew we were switching the download system over yet you use it as a reason for leaving? Your as aggressive as much as a coward can be, when did you ever once fight for something you wanted or question me? You never did, you always went along even when I asked you multiple times if you agreed.

I have prepared several games and thousands of resources relating to RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker 2003. I have told Elemental Crisis that I wanted to finally upload these resources, but he denied it until a few elements are satisfied, a couple including the rules revision, and a content post. He have held my contributions back, thus rendering my administrative powers useless. None of these elements were satisfied, until a week ago I have fulfilled the first one: a rules page revision. Not to mention I have also pointed out to Elemental Crisis that the content should be uploaded before it gets forgotten.
Wow, I made your administrative powers which have absolutely nothing to do at all with content useless by not letting you post your materials? How in the hell does managing and running the forums become rendered useless because I told you to hold off and wait to upload your materials? Your job was to run the forums not upload content, that's something you did on your own which I told you many times I appreciated. I'm surprised you actually took some intention and did something instead of always waiting for me to do it. Never once did I tell you you couldn't update the rules so don't try and act like I told you otherwise.

I think the person who is not aggressive enough is Elemental Crisis, not me. I cannot be a one-man army, and I can become useless when Elemental Crisis fails to practice teamwork with his assistant administrator. I don't care if anyone here destroys my post by labeling me as passive, lazy, and slothful. An irresponsible owner of a website is still an irresponsible fellow staff member of mine. Maybe if you have the spare time, then I suggest sending Elemental Crisis a staff application via PM. Chances of being accepted are broad.
This makes me laugh, you a "one-man army", Tell me, who coded the site? Who did all the editing and mod installing for the forums, who installed the resource database? What did you do again? Help create some sections on the forums and resource database? I'd also like to point out that NES is a coward and never once took these complaints up with me. I also like the low blow there NES saying I'll accept anyone for staff. Good one, I see you get your inspiration from your buddy Allen.

Our forum is vastly censored; our old 3-post requirement was ruled with an iron fist; any violators are banned; 20+ character post length is enforced, and was planned to extend it when users often violate it. Wasn't that nice? Some of these members we have banned in the orders of Elemental Crisis could have been active members as of today. I suppose we have a reputation for managing a web forum under the authority with an angry vanity.
I never once said ban someone for making 3 posts, I said ban someone if they spam. You and Allen were the ones who wanted this system and the ones who were banning people for posting short replies. The 20+ character post length was my idea and how can you enforce something thats built in? It tells someone when their post is too short, maybe you should of double checked that.

The community here is primitive. Excluding a select few members, the rest of the community are disrespectful to their moderators; troll with the staff members; abuse their native language; write vague posts which contribute nothing to a thread's context; and finally pose an uptight attitude toward their peers. The majority of the older members who seem to be decent have disappeared from the community, and waves of questioned members flied in. This is the kind of community I was gladly appointed administrator over, but now I am ashamed of that.
Im surpirsed you even go on the internet if you get offended so easily. Again a great thing to actually speak up about if you had a problem but we know your too much a coward to have had actually said anything.

This is my verdict on RPG Crisis as a whole, and in addition to being demoted off my administrative powers, will depart from the entire site. I just don't have the time for Internet drama after maintaining my physical health, my relationships with family and friends, my job, my household's financial status, my entertainment needs, and basically anything needed to live. I will not live for an Internet site that is neglected by its owner. I will not waste my spare time maintaining my activity on a forum that is populated with a primitive community. I have better things to do with my life, and I hope you guys will wake up someday.
I love the irony, you get mad at decided to leave sooner then intended because I demoted you for spamming. It's also funny saying you dont have the time for internet drama when you and Allen are the ones who started it. Sorry I'm unable to be on the computer all the time and I apologize that it may take me a day or 2 to get back to you on an issue because I'm tired after working all day and just want to sleep.

For those who want to keep in touch with me, then feel free to add me on Windows Live Messenger or Yahoo! IM at nes.player [AT] or my AIM at nesplayer777. But for those who want to destroy my post at every last detail, then feel free to do so, I could use the amusement of you trying to utilize your weak intelligence.
Thats the spirit! Insult everyone, I'm having fun with this.

Let's see this place try and succeed without us undervalued staff members. Goodbye, RPG Crisis.
~NES Player
There's that elitist attitude that I was finally shown. You think that this place only lives because of you and Allen, funny.

Don't worry people, I'm actually glad their gone. I don't want nor do I need people who talk behind my back and instead of being a man and actually talking to me about a problem decide to keep it to themselves and act like they don't have a problem. RPG Crisis will not go down because these 2 dickheads are gone, in fact thanks to them I'll make sure they regret leaving and that this new version of RPG Crisis gets done ASAP. I've attached the logs that were sent to me so you can read them.

While on a personal level I've resolved the issues with Allen (NES again backed out, wonder why.) who talked on NES behalf. They didn't just back-stab me, they back-stabbed the community. Every member who respected them our looked up to them was betrayed and every visitor who visits RPG Crisis was betrayed. The 100 or so e-mails I've received from you (Visitors/Members) asking what happened, this post is for you. I apologize for what they did, they acted like immature kids and caused a huge problem.

I'd also like to point out this new posts was written a few days ago just recently after the incident. However I refuse to change it because NES wouldn't talk to me about these problems. He wouldn't talk to me even after all we've been through together.

I'd also like to thank all the members who e-mailed me with their support, words cannot express my gratitude. I want to apologize to Ryu for getting banned and being treated like dirt by at that time RPG Crisis. I also want to welcome Sicksinz and Random Hero AKA Shayde Zehetbauer back and thank them for their support as well. Thanks everyone!

Our bad word filter is gone and it wont be back. So feel free to express how you feel. I'll be making a followup news post with whats in store for RPG Crisis since NES and Allen think I can't do it without them.


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