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Elemental Crisis
Before anything this is not ment to offend any religious person, please read this message and the following replies with an open mind.

This question has been coming up more and more over the past years and I wanted to see what everyone has to say on this. So, do you think God exists?

I myself am undecided, what I believe i've been told is wierd. I've studied many religons in school and each religion has something different to say about death. Some say you become reincarnated which is for the people that dont know you are reborn into a new life. Some say once you die your spirit leaves your body after your death and you wonder around forever. Last some say that once you die your judged on your actions while you were alive and if they were good you get to go to heaven and if bad then you get to go to hell. I know theres more but these are just some of the more common ones.

Anyway I believe that once you die you have a choice, a choice to decided what you want to do. If you want to be reincarnated and be reborn then you can, if you wanna go to heaven/hell then you get judged. I believe the choice is yours to make.

I think its dumb that people think and tell you that if you dont go to church every sunday (or whatever day your religion has you go) then you wont go to heaven and will go to hell. I've asked preachers who have said this and gave me a situtation where someone who has lived a life trying to make only good decisions (no ones perfect) and this person in general is a nice and friendly person. This person however doesint go to church and so one day while walking around town he sees a little girl in the road and he sees a car racing towards her and the driver doesint look like he has any intention of stopping, so this person runs to where the litte girl and pushes her out of the way only to get hit by the car and killed. I asked him if this noble person would go to heaven and the guy told me no because he never want to church to repent his sins. Yet the same guy has told me earlier that good decisions always outway bad ones. So I reminded him of what he said and asked him that wouldint sacrificing your own life to save the life of a child make up for all sins this person had commited? He told me yes and then relized that earlier he told me that this madeup person would of not been able to go to heaven because he didint repent. I think that it doesint matter if you go to church every sunday or whatever your reglious day is because its what you do in your life that decides.

Now I do believe there was a person named Jesus who did incredable things that when they were wrote down over time they became the stories they are today.

Just a little background info so you can see where I stand.

Now as the question asked I really cant say if I believe God exists. Why because people say God has a plan for everyone and that every action taken is part of that persons plan planned by God. So I wonder about that and ask myself if some crazy serial killer kills 3 little girls because he got off on seeing little girls dead is that gods plan for those little girls? For them to never see thier 16th birthdays or get married or have kids all because some stupid ass mother****er decided to kill them for his own sick pleasure? Now what the **** kind of plan is that?? You honestly cant tell me that was for the good of humanity that those 3 little girls who never have done anything wrong were supposed to killed because thats whats God had planned for them??

I am not an atheist or anything like that. I was born a Catholic but now I dont belong to any religion or cult or anything. I like to think that that kind of stuff doesint matter thats its what you've done that matters.
Crypto Pirannha
I believe there was once a man named Jesus that showed some powers, however, there is a possibility that (since the bible was created by man) that Jesus could have been a demonic entity sent by satan to decieve. Sure, his actions were pure, but until we die, there is no way to be certain. The bible was written by man, not god, so that is enough to tell me that noone is for sure what will happen.

There have been many prophets in life, and many were correct, while many were incorrect. There are prophecies in the bible which point to the end of the world and most of the events have happened, but don't you think that a person might be planning these events to scare the christians into believing in something that isn't true? What if the events that will supposedly spell the end of mankind havent happened yet?

I do believe in a god and I also believe in a satan. I believe all of the religions are combined somehow, but the events that happen after do these people know what happens? Do they get these thoughts in a dream? Do they get them in a drunken stuper? Or maybe some of them went crazy at one point and noone truely noticed? I choose not to get my hopes up for what happens after death because I'm afraid that when I die, there is nothing. No feeling, no emotions, no friends, family or loved ones...nothing. Just an empty void where it is just you and the darkness...It's like an eternal sleep that you do not ever wake up from or possibly never dream. Maybe you feel your body decay? Or the final pain that you felt when you died. Who knows until you die. It sounds great to be able to go to a place filled with everlasting peace...or possibly get reborn again, but the thought of either the possibility of endless torment or nothingness just scares me.

I do not have a specific religion and mormonism sounds like fun (many wives!) but I do not think I could honestly choose a religion as many of them have things that I do not agree with. I choose to stand in between them all.
Yes, I do beleive God exists. How doy uo think the Earth got created, and all the Universe surrounding us? Wel, then again, you theories are based on what you are; between creationist and Evolutionist. If you're a creaitonist, then you beleive GOd made the UNiverse, if Evolutionist, you beleive in the Big Bang Theory. I say he exists.
I do not think that god excits as an actual entity,but rather as a belief. beliefs are very important because i belive that people need to have faith. Me, i tend to believe that everything in life can be explained through science...

for all that have read "hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy" i leave you with a quote explaining the nature of gods existance...


The Babel fish is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy recieved not from its own carrier but from those around it, It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. the practical upshot of this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any language.

Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anhthing so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God. The argument goes like this : "I refuse to prove that I exist", says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But", says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? it could not have evolved by chance. it proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."

"Oh dear", says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

"Oh that was easy" says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.

Meanwhile, the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
big billy
Sure god exists. Maybe not the way we think but something began all life. The random combination of early life and such joining in a great explosion is harder to beleive then the existance of a god. If such were true why havent we (man) created a new race? We certainly have the technology to recreate the big bang.

Now the hard part. Were we created on purpose? Or does god still watch over us. Life may have been created by god but the combination of life that created humanity may have been accidental. I myself beleive in god. There are so many unexplained things in the universe to rule him out. And about us choosing our own path and good and evil. Why not? We were given our own mind to do as we will.

Why does he allow bad things to happen? He doesn't, we do. And of course there is this question to leave you with.

How could there be good without evil? If there is nothing totally horrible that people do there would be nothing to compare the really good to. We would all just slip into a meaningless life. If a serial killer did not exist to do horrendous things, a really good person would not exist to try and stop him, doing good deeds along the way.

That's my opinion anyway.
Crypto Pirannha
I just think of it as this: Who put the rocks in space to start the big bang? Someone had to have created something. I don't know if this god is still around, but as far as I'm concerned, the fact that someone had to have created every aspect of the big bang so that it could have happened in the first place...I dunno if it sounds like rambling or not...but that is what I think.
Elemental Crisis
Well what if a higher race of beings came from a distint galaxy and started the big bang creating life from samples they created to study how we would evolve and that over the years they stoped by Earth to check up and people mistaked their apperances for some higher being and started calling them "God".

So if we go with that theory then both the Relgious and Scientific beliefs would be accuarate because we were made by science and that over time we evolved into humans and that snice a single or group of higher beings made us and stoped by to check on us and over time they became refered as Gods or just God and the bible was written by the people that saw these higher beings who may have helped out race out during certain events and saying that they were the beings who had created us and over the years many people adapted this idea and it became the common idea of how we were created.

Sorry if this doesint make sense, its pretty late here and it just came to me.
I do.
I can't understand how the Universe was created... Then, by my granmother, God crated it. Then, i believe.
Well, here's my oppinion.
I believe that God exists, but I don't believe that he created the whole universe... especially not in 7 days.
I think that after the universe was created(However that happened) God created life on Earth. I don't believe in much from the Bible, either. I believe in a "DaVinci's Code' sort of view of the bible. I believe that Jesus existed and that he was a great man that helped many people, but not that he was able to walk on water, or turn water into wine, or whatever else he did. And I don't think he came back to life. And I definately don't believe in 'Adam and Eve'. I believe in the theory of evoulution, and that the very first organisms that eventually evolved into what we are today were created by God.

I hope I haven't offended anyone that is religious...
I believe that god exists as a constructor of what we percieve to be reality. My logic follows these twenty-six easy to follow steps:

1) Existence precedes essence, meaning that things exist as entities that stand by themselves, and we make them what they are by lending them essence. Example: Something bumps into me, i know it exists because i felt it, but i dont know what it is until i turn around and see it was a speeding cement truck. here i am recognizing it as what i was taught that it was, therefore lending it essence. Therefore to achieve a complete existence, a thing must possess the properties of existing in our reality, and the essence of that which it is. in english, we must be able to interact with it, and recognize it as something in the most basic form i.e. big oval thing with gangly legs that injects cells with its dna (Bacterial ***e)...etc...

2) Everything has a beginning, as something cannot come from nothing. Likewise, everything that has a beginning has an end, and if something has no beginning, it has no end. This means that it must have always been, and will always be.

3) Given that god is indeed a god lends the idea that a god is the supreme form of existence without anything above it in the order of superiority.

4) In order to be a supreme being, one must exist in an infinite fashion. To be everything is to be everything.

5) To exist in an infinite fashion means one must exist in a finite matter, meaning that in order to exist infinitely, god must exist within our percieved reality, however, in order to exist infinitely, god must also exist outside our percieved reality as well.

excl.gifThis proves God's existence. excl.gif

6) In order to exist infinitely, one must possess essence.

7) Essence is something one cannot lend oneself, because until one is taught what their essence is, (i.e. Humanness, boyness, girlness, speeding cement mixerness) they do not have the means to accurately describe themselves.

8) Essence must be lent to an existing entity by an outside entity.

excl.gifThis proves that essence must be the shared opinion of a majority amount of sentient categorical beings. (A categorical being is basically the essence you give an existing thing, like dog, cat, person, toucan. sentient basically means that it has the abilility to think.) excl.gif

9) Since to be a god is to be a supreme being, and a supreme being has both existence and essence, then god is not a supreme being because god does not have essence. Also, as stated before, to be a supreme being is to be the top of existence, with nothing above it to create it.

10) In order to become a supreme being, essence is required. Since there is nothing above god, god can only create those beneath it to lend it essence.

11) God creates our percieved reality in order to both exist within it as a finite being, thus coming closer to truly being infinite, and to draw essence from it.

excl.gifThis proves that god is present in our percieved reality, and that we exist as an extension of god, god invents human physics, god invents human faith, god invents human invention, and god invents our human understanding of logic. excl.gif

12) In order to draw essence from something, the giver of that essence must have experienced something like it in order to apply that experienced arrangement of existence to an object.

13) In order to have an experience of an existing object, it must exist.

14) In order for it to exist, it must have come into being through our human understanding of logic.

15) In order for something to come into being, it must have been created.

16) To be created, a set amount of variables must be met in order for it to be posible through human physics, invention, logic, and faith.

17) These variables create a seemingly infinite number of experiences that are unique to each categorical being. However, because our percieved existence is a finite one, it is a number only known by the creater of that percieved existence, namely, god.

18) These experiences shape the categorical being's ideas, beliefs, and actions

19) Concurrent experiences shape concurrent ideas, beliefs, and actions.

20) One such idea is that of a supernatural being that is a "creater" of humanity.

21) This idea results in the belief of a god.

22) That belief causes the believer to act on behalf of that belief.

23) Those actions, beleifs, and ideas give god essence

excl.gifThis proves that humans give god essence by essentializing the idea of a creater. These ideas are not limited by the disbelief, or dismissal of a god, as those are also ideas essentializing that being as nothing. excl.gif

24) The original purpose of our percieved existence was to give god essence

25) Once a concurrent, singular essentialization of god is achieved, god will have successfully drawn essence from its creation.

26) When god is complete, our percieved existence will collapse, and another one will be created with another seemingly infinite number of variables that are only logical according to the physics of god, and the physics and logic of the inhabitants of that percieved existence. This process will continue until the seemingly infinite amount of variables have been tested, and concurrent themes have been singled out as essentializations of a perfect supreme being.

excl.gifThis proves that god is a creater of percieved existence, and seeks to become a truly infinite being by constructing realities which follow the process of essentialization in order to complete god. excl.gif
Da Bob
To put it simply, No. Not really. There may be some greater power out there, but not a god.
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