Again, the post title was just to catch your eye, lol
Okay, I was talking to my counsellor about bullying at school (not at the forums) and he said that to run away from the problem won't solve it. If you stay and stand up for yourself, then it'll stop eventually. Bullies only hurt people to either get a reaction or to make themselves feel better (jealousy, hatred, etc). If I don't react, then nobody will be given the satisfaction of bullying someone successfully.
Also, he reminded me "do not feed the trolls" (but Clone isn't a troll, durr). No reaction from me, no success from him.
So I'm just gonna sit this war out. If Cloe flames me, I'll just STFU and not say a word to flamebait. I bet you guys have waited ages ago to hear that, lol.
But why didn't I post this earlier? Well I did, but as stated in topic #2464, it was deleted. For fucks sake, don't go deleting my posts that are not flaming.
So leave welcomes here. Flame if you want, it's not like I'll care for petty arguing bouts anymore.

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Last signature update: 10:36, Saturday, April 17, 2010.
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