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> Grammar, This is feedback for the whole community
post Aug 28 2009, 08:04 AM
Post #1

Completely Fucked in the Head

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I think the next person who decides to make a post about grammar also needs to learn how to spell perfect. My point? Before talking about improving the site by making people post good grammar, try to learn how to spell and be able to present your points without looking like you, yourself, know nothing about what you're talking about. Now, I am at work, so i have no access to creation asylum, however, there is a thread there that talks about proper grammar and even offers SUGGESTIONS! What kind of help are you, franklin, when you don't even offer suggestions? Not that I would want to take your suggestions into consideration due to your massive amounts of fail, however, if you copy and pasted that whole topic, it would make you sound less like a prick and more like you want to help the community.

Lesson 1: Learn to make a presentation properly before posting such threads
Lesson 2: Educate, but don't expect everyone to be capable of change.

Life is about learning. Some people need to learn alot. Unless you're willing to be the solution, you're only a part of the problem.


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post Aug 28 2009, 12:21 PM
Post #2

Crisis Devotee

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There is no reason for you to be flaming me. I know my English is not prefect. I did not make any mistakes in my presentation so you need some grammar listens. I do not need to offer suggestions about grammar. People on this forum are old enough to know how to write a sentence and a paragraph.

I am not part of the problem. I would like people to speak clearly. There are a lot of members on this site who I can not understand what they are saying.

I was not talking about the foreign members. I understand why they have trouble with English. I was talking about people who know English and continually post with very bad grammar. It makes the site look bad when most of its' members do not try to type good English. All I asked for people is to try. I know they will not be prefect but they should at least try.


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post Aug 28 2009, 12:43 PM
Post #3

Completely Fucked in the Head

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So, because you "did not have any mistakes in your presentation" of that grammar post, I need some grammar "listens?" If you want to suggest something as hypocritical as using proper grammar, use some commas (,) and semicolons (wink.gif. Some of your sentences could have been put together easily, to provide less of a read and cut down on some of the extra junk. Also, I showed you how to spell perfect. Your english is not perfect, as you say, but these are the times when people learn; when people are correcting your spelling.

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post Aug 28 2009, 12:45 PM
Post #4

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Damnit! There was already a thread about this.
Why start a new one? Nobody's writing is perfect.
We should concentrate more in making games and tutorials than worrying about how other people write.

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post Aug 28 2009, 12:55 PM
Post #5

Completely Fucked in the Head

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QUOTE (SwordCake @ Aug 28 2009, 12:45 PM) *
Damnit! There was already a thread about this.
Why start a new one? Nobody's writing is perfect.
We should concentrate more in making games and tutorials than worrying about how other people write.

This was more of a "hey jackass, stop making suggestions when you cannot follow your own suggestion." I should have put a RE: in front of it, but meh; hatever. Personally, I don't care who uses what, but when someone suggests something like using grammar and all that, and they cannot type properly themselves, it bugs me. Rather than making it a pm to him, I made this suggestion to everyone. The suggestion is "practice what you preach."

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post Aug 28 2009, 01:55 PM
Post #6

Crisis Devotee

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QUOTE (Sicksinz @ Aug 28 2009, 03:43 PM) *
So, because you "did not have any mistakes in your presentation" of that grammar post, I need some grammar "listens?" If you want to suggest something as hypocritical as using proper grammar, use some commas (,) and semicolons (wink.gif. Some of your sentences could have been put together easily, to provide less of a read and cut down on some of the extra junk. Also, I showed you how to spell perfect. Your english is not perfect, as you say, but these are the times when people learn; when people are correcting your spelling.

You did not show me how to spell anything. I did not need to use commas and semicolons in my damn posts. Learn how to write man.

QUOTE (Sicksinz @ Aug 28 2009, 03:55 PM) *
This was more of a "hey jackass, stop making suggestions when you cannot follow your own suggestion." I should have put a RE: in front of it, but meh; hatever. Personally, I don't care who uses what, but when someone suggests something like using grammar and all that, and they cannot type properly themselves, it bugs me. Rather than making it a pm to him, I made this suggestion to everyone. The suggestion is "practice what you preach."

Why call me out in public? You could have sent me a personal message, but instead you wanted to flame me in public. I can type properly. There is no reason for you to lie. You have no right to be calling members jackasses and flaming people.


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post Aug 28 2009, 02:00 PM
Post #7

Completely Fucked in the Head

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QUOTE (Sicksinz @ Aug 28 2009, 09:04 AM) *
also needs to learn how to spell perfect.

Sorry guy, its right there. And if you're trying to get other people to make their things easier to read and clearer, and, well...i'll let the definition of grammar, according to wikipedia, help you with your sentence structure.

In linguistics, grammar refers to the logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics.

BTW, I know how to write. I've taken college writing classes, even. And this was not an attempt to call you out specifically. This was using you as an example, before other people decide "hey, im going to be a hypocrite." Good job.

And for the record, I really do think you're a jackass, so im not flaming, im giving my opinion smile.gif

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post Aug 28 2009, 02:06 PM
Post #8

Crisis Devotee

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I made one mistake. It is not a big deal. It is a difference between making one error in a sentence than spelling most words in a sentence wrong. There is nothing wrong with my sentence structure.

QUOTE (Sicksinz @ Aug 28 2009, 11:04 AM) *
I think the next person who decides to make a post about grammar also needs to learn how to spell perfect. My point? Before talking about improving the site by making people post good grammar, try to learn how to spell and be able to present your points without looking like you, yourself, know nothing about what you're talking about. Now, I am at work, so i have no access to creation asylum, however, there is a thread there that talks about proper grammar and even offers SUGGESTIONS! What kind of help are you, franklin, when you don't even offer suggestions? Not that I would want to take your suggestions into consideration due to your massive amounts of fail, however, if you copy and pasted that whole topic, it would make you sound less like a prick and more like you want to help the community.

Lesson 1: Learn to make a presentation properly before posting such threads
Lesson 2: Educate, but don't expect everyone to be capable of change.

Life is about learning. Some people need to learn alot. Unless you're willing to be the solution, you're only a part of the problem.


You do not know how to capitalize names.

QUOTE (Sicksinz @ Aug 28 2009, 05:00 PM) *
Sorry guy, its right there. And if you're trying to get other people to make their things easier to read and clearer, and, well...i'll let the definition of grammar, according to wikipedia, help you with your sentence structure.

BTW, I know how to write. I've taken college writing classes, even. And this was not an attempt to call you out specifically. This was using you as an example, before other people decide "hey, im going to be a hypocrite." Good job.

And for the record, I really do think you're a jackass, so im not flaming, im giving my opinion smile.gif

You are flaming because you called me a jackass. I don't like everyone in the world. I don't like everyone on internet forums. However I do not call people names. I do not pick fights with people. You are calling me. You started this problem with me. I am finished.


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post Aug 28 2009, 02:09 PM
Post #9

Completely Fucked in the Head

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lol You're such a child XD. This is fun. lmao

Oh and fyi, i didn't call you. I don't have your phone number.

*edit: added capitalizations to help franklin read easier.*

*EDIT 2: adding wikipedia excerpt to explain what flaming is*

Flaming is a hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users. Flaming usually occurs in the social context of a discussion board, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), by e-mail or on Video-sharing websites. An Internet user typically generates a flame response to other posts or users posting on a site, and such a response is usually not constructive, does not clarify a discussion, and does not persuade others.

and another thing, jackass is what i call most people anyway, and you took it as me specifically calling you jackass this time, which is your fault, however, ask EC. I call him jackass too. If it offends you, I'm not sorry. Either way, I gave constructive criticism to your post in the OP, so i guess it's not a flame...take it and shove it up your 19 year old, poor typing, "english not my first language" excuse using, "unable to get the fucking point" ass. smile.gifNow THAT is flaming biggrin.gif

Good day, Frank.

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Lyric Induced
post Aug 28 2009, 04:14 PM
Post #10

Crisis Addict

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*facepalm* For the love of God, WHY?

Really, this drama stuff is annoying. @___@


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Midnight Assassi...
post Aug 28 2009, 05:21 PM
Post #11

I had the pear dream again

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I came here to see why EC unlocked this thread, but got another thread. And sweet Jesus, this one here makes me cringe. If you want to go have a kiddy little flame war, then click the PM button, where nobody else can see of their own free will. The only way we can see it is if EC or a G-mod goes into your inboxes and posts the entire conversation here.

And both of you are in the wrong. Sicksinz, you posted flamebait in public. RKO, you carried it out. If you both would have kept to PMs, then nobody would really hear. You could've waited the war out until you both agreed and post your agreement here, but you've gone a tad over the fine line of 'opinion' and 'flaming'.

I'm requesting lockage. No, in fact, I'm requesting deletion. This doesn't need to be happening on the public side on the forums, more the PM side.

I think I made my point.


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post Aug 28 2009, 05:27 PM
Post #12

Crisis Devotee

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How was I wrong? I just defended myself and my statements from the locked thread. I have the right to defend myself. I never flamed this guy.


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Midnight Assassi...
post Aug 28 2009, 06:42 PM
Post #13

I had the pear dream again

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Dear god, just accept it - you're flaming. I accepted my flaming habits, why can't you? Denial will only push you back further.


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Lyric Induced
post Aug 28 2009, 06:44 PM
Post #14

Crisis Addict

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Flaming? That's not flaming. >___>


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post Aug 28 2009, 06:59 PM
Post #15

Crisis Devotee

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He made this thread to call me out and to flame me. He has disrespected me. I just defended myself. I have not disrespected him. I never called him out. I never called him by any disrespectful names.

I would like to say sorry to everyone who were offended by my grammar thread. I just wanted people to post with better English. No one is perfect in this world. Again I am sorry.

Ndrd told me, Sicksinz is allowed to flame me. We just have to wait to hear what EC has to say.


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Midnight Assassi...
post Aug 28 2009, 07:45 PM
Post #16

I had the pear dream again

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Yeah. Sicksinz may be allowed to flame you, but not the other way around.


A tech blog. About tech stuff. Site not up yet.

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post Aug 28 2009, 10:18 PM
Post #17


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Lyric Induced
post Aug 28 2009, 10:23 PM
Post #18

Crisis Addict

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QUOTE (Midnight Assassin @ Aug 28 2009, 07:45 PM) *
Yeah. Sicksinz may be allowed to flame you, but not the other way around.

LOLwut. Why is that.


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Elemental Crisis
post Aug 29 2009, 12:26 AM
Post #19


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QUOTE (megaman8x @ Aug 28 2009, 11:18 PM) *

Quoted for truth.

Sicksinz said this topic wasn't aimed at any one member but every current and future member who complains about grammar and/or spelling. Grammar topics are nothing new to RPG Crisis, we've see them multiple times in the past. I know exactly where Sicksinz is coming from, we've both seen those type of topics countless times and its pretty annoying after awhile. Sicksinz used the latest grammar topic as an example in his post and while I personally would of explained my point differently I see no problem at all with his initial post.

While ideally it would be nice if everyone had perfect grammar and spelling its not going to happen. Not only do we have members of varying ages but we have members from countries all over the world. You would have to be crazy to expect everyone whose native language isn't English to speak/type perfect English.

Everyone should just drop this grammar issue, its pointless to fight about.


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