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RPG Crisis _ Welcomes/Farewells _ The End of The Franklin Era

Posted by: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Aug 29 2009, 12:09 PM

Goodbye everyone, I will be leaving this site for good. All of my projects and resources have been removed from the forums! I will not allow a site who disrespects me to see my work and use my resources.

Ndrd and Elemental Crisis have informed me that members are allowed to flame me. They are allowed to call me a jackass. They are allowed to call me out. Sicksinz did this yesterday.

Ndrd and Elemental Crisis are also upset with me for reporting Gundam Exis. I reported him for advertising the RMVX Community several times in the Resource Forums. I also reported him for making the same topics more than once.

I thought this site was better than RRR and RMVX. I thought this site had a respectable staff. I was wrong. With staff members Midnight Assassin, Ndrd, and Elemental Crisis telling me people are allowed to flame me, shows that this is a very piss poor staff. It is a shamed that Midnight Assassin have flamed every member on this site and was promoted to staff. MegaMan8X loves to flame people but staff does not care. I see other people like myself who work hard and respect people, get no respect from staff. This is what happens on most RPG Maker sites. The staff disrespects its' members. I am not saying all of the staff is bad. The ones who are the staff members I mention.

I would like to thank Keitsukun for the MegaMan engine. Keitsukun, Obsession, Lyric Induced, and Valkill100 thank you for being good friends. Thanks for the support all of you gave me for my work. I enjoyed getting to know all of you. I wish for the best for all of you.

Posted by: Obsession Aug 29 2009, 12:27 PM

Sad to see you go sad.gif
Add me on MSN before you go, so I can keep in touch with ya.

Posted by: SwordCake Aug 29 2009, 12:28 PM

And i thought that everything was just fine.
I can't believe this community is collapsing. I'm a lurker here since 2008.
It doesn't look like, but... everyday old members get out of here.
We get just a few serious members, lots of people with 10-40 posts, and even more users with 1-5 posts.
What the hell is happening here?
Why are people running away from this community?
As i know, is only of the few forums that talk about IGM.
In this rate, if we doesn't stop this madness, the only persons here will be noobs.
You may not believe, but...
Oh well...

Posted by: valkill100 Aug 29 2009, 12:36 PM

Damn, I hate to see you go buddy. Please keep in touch, we've got each others Youtube pages if you want to chat (I don't have MSN).

Posted by: ShaydeZehetbauer Aug 29 2009, 01:42 PM

I'm confused, what the hell is going on? Why are you leaving?

People can be dicks, you just need to accept that and be a dick back.

I can't force you to stay anything but either which way it was nice having you here, friend.

Posted by: Ndrd Aug 29 2009, 04:58 PM

The reason the mods did nothing when you got flamed, was due to the fact that you deserved it. Simple as that. You flamed another user, and in return got flammed back. Why you see this as a big deal is beyond me. I like the majority of members on this site, but I, for one, am not dissapointed to see you go.

Good luck with your future, I hope you enoy it.


Posted by: Kaiden Aug 29 2009, 05:01 PM

QUOTE (Ndrd @ Aug 30 2009, 12:58 AM) *
The reason the mods did nothing when you got flamed, was due to the fact that you deserved it. Simple as that. You flamed another user, and in return got flammed back. Why you see this as a big deal is beyond me. I like the majority of members on this site, but I, for one, am not dissapointed to see you go.

Good luck with your future, I hope you enoy it.


Good posting yet again, and definitely quoted for truth. I completely agree with your statement Ndrd. I'm gonna be honest; I am not dissapointed to see you leave. In fact, I'm relieved to see you gone. RKO, my evaluation on your behavior at RPG Crisis:

"Son, I am dissapoint."

Posted by: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Aug 29 2009, 05:10 PM

I honestly thought you were my friend Kaiden. You was just faking it the entire time. People are actors hiding behind their true selves. I actually treated you with respect. It is ironic you both say my behavior was bad on RPG Crisis when I treated people with respect. I gave a lot to this site. I spent hours reformatting music for members to use. I spent hours making VX resources for this forum. I talked to many members in private in friendly conversations. I never started any fights with members.

Posted by: Ndrd Aug 29 2009, 05:32 PM

At this point of time, since you seem to be blind to logic, I will not try to argue your points, although I believe that they are false. Instead, I will just say if you're going to leave then leave. I do not deny the fact that you have contributed to the community, but your you obviously do not fit in here.


Posted by: Midnight Assassin Aug 29 2009, 06:23 PM

You sir, winrar.

RKO, running from your problems won't do any good. You'll just have to talk it out with the staff. Like at RPGWeb, you never talked to the admins about how we acted. If you don't give us feedback, then how in the hell do we know how bad we're doing?

If you are going to chicken out, then go ahead, leave. If you want to stay and get the problem fixed, then just contact EC. He's the site's owner, so he has much higher authority over me, Megaman, Kyle and Ndrd.

So once more - If you want to leave, then do it. I'll be singing my rejoices when and if you do.

Posted by: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Aug 29 2009, 06:58 PM

I did tell you how bad you were doing at RPGWeb. You banned people for no reason. You gave people warnings for no reason. I told you to stop it. I addressed the issue wtih Clone and Kaiden. Neither of them cared. You pissed off a lot of people and that is why RPGWeb died.

I am not chickening out. I have already spoken to people about this problem. It was stated already in this thread that EC and Ndrd will allow people to flame and disrespect me.

You are now flaming me. You and anyone else can get away with it because the new rules are anyone can flame Franklin.

Posted by: Rayzshea Aug 29 2009, 08:16 PM

Well if you gotta go, then you gotta go.

Sure a few of the more active members can be a little tactless, but I really don't believe that this is from genuine malice. The very nature of the internet allows people to act outside social norms and rules of "common decency" taking it personally won't solve that...

Best of luck in finding a totally friendly and supportive forum to hang out in. But I'll be honest, I've been roaming the interweb since the early nineties and have yet to find such a place.

Posted by: Lyric Induced Aug 29 2009, 09:08 PM

Sad to see you leaving, RKO. Sorry about how you were treated and I hope for the best for you.

Posted by: Midnight Assassin Aug 30 2009, 02:17 AM

Just leave, RKO. We have no need for your almighty bullshit. This thread was made to notify us of your depature - be a man and leave.

Posted by: Elemental Crisis Aug 30 2009, 02:48 AM


While Ndrd's presentation wasint the best he's right. You've sent in a lot of reported posts dealing with Gundam Exia and his grammar. I understand that the way he/she types pisses you off but you gotta realize that people are free to type however they want on the internet and on RPG Crisis. We don't enforce any type of grammar rule and it would be a losing battle even to attempt too. I'll talk to him and ask him to not respond so hostile or aggressive in the future.

I think we should all just try and move on and forget this incident and the grammar topics. They caused pointless fights that we really didint need.

Feel free to add me on am IM program if you want to discuss this more.

Is what I sent you, I guess if you change all the letters around then yeah I must of said it was OK for Ndrd to flame you. My reply was dealing with what I read in the PM you sent me and besides the fact that Ndrd should of used different words to express his opinion I didn't see a problem. I also said to add me to any IM program and I would gladly discuss this problem more.

I'm confused, were you expecting me to force Sicksinz and Ndrd to apologize to you because you didint like what they said? I don't agree with members calling others name, its pointless and a waste of time because it causes unneeded problems like this. I'll talk to Ndrd and Sicksinz about it for future reference but I'm sorry this alteration has caused you to leave.

If your choice to leave, while i personally would like to see you around the decision rests with you.

Posted by: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Aug 30 2009, 05:11 AM

I was not expecting them to apologize. It is the simple fact of staff members being allowed to flame me. How can you say you do think members calling each other names is wrong, when you say that you agreed with Ndrd? Midnight Assassin told me the same thing in the thread, Sicksinz made about me. So, you don't care about your staff continually to flame members. MegaMan8X has been doing it for months. So far everyone who has flamed a lot people gets promoted to a staff position.

To all of my true friends, thanks for the goodbyes. smile.gif

Posted by: Kaiden Aug 30 2009, 04:06 PM

QUOTE (RATED-RKOFRANKLIN @ Aug 30 2009, 02:11 PM) *
Midnight Assassin told me the same thing in the thread, Sicksinz made about me.

For one thing, the thread wasn't directed at YOU. It was directed to the people who complained about grammar on the board.

Also, the reason why you didn't get banned here is because is the modship here has more toleration. Because the mods over at didn't put up with this bullshit, and I don't blame them; damn fine decision.

Posted by: Midnight Assassin Aug 30 2009, 09:34 PM

RKO has finally left! *sings rejoices* Halle-freaking-lujah!
I think I'll request lockage, but keep it locked - not deleted. That way we can see how much of an ass that Franklin truly was.

Posted by: Gundam Exia Aug 30 2009, 10:17 PM

See Yah,

Posted by: Lyric Induced Aug 30 2009, 10:36 PM

That'd be pretty immature.

Posted by: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Aug 30 2009, 10:46 PM

QUOTE (Kaiden @ Aug 30 2009, 07:06 PM) *
For one thing, the thread wasn't directed at YOU. It was directed to the people who complained about grammar on the board.

Also, the reason why you didn't get banned here is because is the modship here has more toleration. Because the mods over at didn't put up with this bullshit, and I don't blame them; damn fine decision.

There is no reason to lie. The thread was directed towards me. It stated my name. He called me out. He flamed me in the entire thread. Staff approves of Franklin being the only member, people are allowed to flame.

You should be ashamed of yourself for being a fake friend. One day reality will hit you hard Kaiden.

I think the next person who decides to make a post about grammar also needs to learn how to spell perfect. My point? Before talking about improving the site by making people post good grammar, try to learn how to spell and be able to present your points without looking like you, yourself, know nothing about what you're talking about. Now, I am at work, so i have no access to creation asylum, however, there is a thread there that talks about proper grammar and even offers SUGGESTIONS! What kind of help are you, franklin, when you don't even offer suggestions? Not that I would want to take your suggestions into consideration due to your massive amounts of fail, however, if you copy and pasted that whole topic, it would make you sound less like a prick and more like you want to help the community.

Lesson 1: Learn to make a presentation properly before posting such threads
Lesson 2: Educate, but don't expect everyone to be capable of change.

Life is about learning. Some people need to learn alot. Unless you're willing to be the solution, you're only a part of the problem.


I was banned from RMVX for no reason. Pine and his staff flamed me everyday. I was called bitch, mother fucker, faggot, gay boy, rootbeer, etc. I'm not a homosexual. I am heterosexual just to make things clear. They started this the first day I join the site in my introduction tread. I did nothing wrong on that site.

I was banned from RRR for removing my projects. I removed them because of Ientry's legal problems on the site.

The staff and former staff of this site talks as if I was always a problem. They speak as if I always started trouble on this site. I was told by Ndrd that I am a problem of this community. I never flamed people such as Clone, Sicksinz, MegaMan8X, and Midnight Assassin. The more you flame people then most likely you will get promoted. The 4 people I just listed flames people on a regular bases.

Elemental Crisis called NES Player and Allen Hunter bitches and they reacted by fucking up the forums. EC sent the message to his staff that they are allowed to disrespect anyone they want. I am not saying NES Player and Allen Hunter did the right thing. What they did was wrong but EC was also wrong because of the way, he treated them.

Posted by: Midnight Assassin Aug 30 2009, 11:21 PM

EC sent the message to his staff that they are allowed to disrespect anyone they want.

Now listen here, buddy. EC never gave us this right. You're causing trouble, and we're reacting back.
As the old saying goes... "Treat others good if you want to be treated good, treat them bad if you want to be treated as such."
We're subconsciously following this rule. Love it or leave it.

Oh, and I was promoted because I asked. If I were to be promoted because of my asshole-esque ways, then I'd be at least G-Mod by now. happy.gif

Posted by: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Aug 31 2009, 12:21 AM

It is clear some staff members and former staff members have an issue with me. I should have been told about the issue before all you started to flame me. The issue could have been resolve or at least spoken about, for I could be aware of it. It may not have gotten this far. How can someone know there is an issue without being informed by staff?

Posted by: Midnight Assassin Aug 31 2009, 12:28 AM

We informed you. We told you. We did so much, but you continued.
Looks like that last post backfired.

Posted by: RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Aug 31 2009, 12:34 AM

I was not informed by staff of anything. I did not receive any PMs from staff about any issue.

What the hell is that in your signature? NigRar? Fried Chicken, Watermelons and Basketball. You have some explaining to do.

Posted by: Elemental Crisis Aug 31 2009, 12:52 AM

At every forum there's members who like you and who dont like you, its comes with being a part of an online community. Never once have I told any staff member that its OK to flame you or any other member. Ndrd's comments were sent via a PM and while I already said I dont agree with his word choice I was only responding to what he said. You need to look at that incident from his side though. He received well over 30 reports from you concerning Gundam Exia (I know because I got them too) and while some of them were concerning duplicate posts or posts in the wrong section I remember others where you went off about Gundam. Did you know that on multiple occasions Ndrd has defended you against other members who reported your posts that contained foul language or when you were attacking Gundams post?

My final words on this matter after which this thread will be closed.

RKO, I've enjoyed the time you've spent here as a member. Never once did I think anything less about you when multiple members were telling me negative things about you or when I received a report from another member about you. I'm sorry you feel like your not welcomed here, I've always personally enjoyed your posts and thought you were a great addition to the forums. Your will always be welcomed back if you choose to come back. I apologize if you thought I didint care about this issue or was just siding with Ndrd/Sicksinz.

Have a good life. smile.gif

Again feel free to add me to any IM program to talk further about this or if you just want to talk to me in general.

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