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RPG Crisis _ Project Center _ [RMVX] Vylternia Chapters

Posted by: Despite Sep 8 2009, 09:51 AM

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History Of the Vylternian Empire

Fledgling Empire:
- 35 bp: The empire of Vylternia was founded by Enentihyl in what is
now the state of Schanzen.
- 0 ap : Perteria the daughter of the God of light Janus was put to
death by the followers of the ancient gods in the neighboring
Kingdom of Eskalia.
- 1 ap: War erupts in the name of the new Gods and revenge for the
Death of Perteria, the Empire of Vylternia invades Eskalia.
- 5 ap: Emperor Enentihyl dies when an arrow pierces his skull during
the battle of Eskalias’ capitol.
- 5 ap: Emperor Jopy I ascends the throne, vows to avenge his
fathers death. The militant tradition of Vylternia has started.
- 10 ap: The Kingdom of Eskalia falls, religious persecution of followers
of the old gods begins.
- 11 ap: Aer Nostris was founded.

Birth Of A World Power:
- 110 ap:The kingdom of Masana and Hahyu form the Deux pact, an alliance
to challenge the Vylternian Empire in hopes of ending the religious conflict.
- 114 ap: Lassent joins the Deux alliance and launches an attack directly
at the Vylternian Capitol in Schanzen.
- 114 ap: Emperor Felxis II ascends the Vylternian throne. His first act
as Emperor was to train combat troops in the art magic which has prior
only been used by priests of various religions for healing and meditation purposes.
- 114 ap: The main force of Lassent is routed by the vylternian troops with
aid of the new mage troops.
- 114 ap: Hahyu gambles its forces in an offensive to try and relieve the pressure
now put on Lassent.
- 116 ap: Lassent surrenders, its territories are annexed by Vylternia.
- 116 ap: Hahyu switches its military doctrine to a defensive war.
- 117 ap: Vylternia launches a surprise seaborne invasion of Masana.
- 117 ap: Masana surrenders, is absorbed into the Vylternian Empire.
- 118 ap: Hahyu signs a peace treaty with Vylternia, giving up much of its territories
and natural resources.

Imperialist age:
- 300 ap: Vylternia declares itself an Empire chosen by the Gods, launches
an offensive against the neighboring kingdoms of Eskutchia and Wotane.
- 305 ap: Hahyu declares war on Vylternia in hopes of regaining its lost
- 310 ap: A plague errupts throughout the Vylternian empire.
- 315 ap: The capitol of Vylternia is sacked by the kingdom of Eskutchia.
- 315 ap: Emperor Jopy IV is assassinated while trying to flee Schanzen,
the entire royal family is hunted down and the Enentihyl bloodline is wiped out.
- 315 ap: Grand General Fiskopsy of the vylternian Empire seizes the throne
and launches a counter attack against Eskutchia.
- 319 ap: Eskutchia and Wotane retreat to its borders, sign a cease fire with
- 320 ap: The Kingdom of Hahyus armada get's crushed in a battle off the coast
of Eskalia.
- 323 ap:The Kingdom of Hahyu surrenders and is absorbed into Vylternia.
- 328 ap: An invasion of the free states of Evaniil is launched.
- 330 ap: Eveniil is absorbed into the vylternian empire.

The Magiqua Wars:
- 475 ap: General dislike of the monarchy arises throughout Vylternia,
many rebel groups form in hope of overthrowing the emperor and instating
a democracy.
- 480 ap: The "Eight Paths Of Reform" are created, which is an alliance
of eight major rebel groups; The Red Dawn, Lonely Moon, Schanzen Sea
Pirates, Vylternia Freedom Faction, Wrath Riders, Kingdom Of The Old Gods,
Feather Fencers, and Saint Perterias' Guillotine.
- 482 ap: War erupts throughout Vylternia after a small child is accidentaly
killed by Imperial troops during a raid on the Schanzen Sea Pirates in a
small port town called "Magiqua", the Magiqua Wars have officially begun.
- 485 ap: Peasants join in and start small revolts, without its farmers
the Vylternian Empire weakens quickly.
- 485 ap: The Todes Gesetz is formed.
- 486 ap: Aiding the Todes Gesetz Stephan Baringen helps put down
the peasant revolts.
- 487 ap: Stephan Baringen is promoted to General and his prowess
on the battlefield earned him the nickname "Silver Haired Lion".
- 492 ap: Vylternia Freedom Fighters' Leader Botonis Farrachia is captured
and executed, the rest of the VFF rebels get absorbed into the remaining rebel groups.
- 495 ap: New Ship building technology enables the Imperial troops to
outmaneuver and outgun any Pirate ship currently build.
- 496 ap: The Schanzen Sea Pirates flee Vylternia.
- 496 ap: Saint Perterias' Guillotine launches an attack on the Aer Nostris' headquarters
but is wiped out by a surprise attack by the Todes Gesetz.
- 499 ap: The leader of Kingdom Of The Old Gods is captured and executed, the rest
of the group disbands.
- 505 ap: The Wrath Riders, Feather Fencers, Lonely Moon, and Red Dawn launch
an attack using concentrated stones filled with mana in hopes of detonating and
destoying key areas in hopes of putting the Imperial forces in disarray.
- 505 ap: The Feather Fencers are routed while trying to detonate their mana stones.
- 505 ap: Less then half of the mana stones detonate, causing widespread panic
in the Imperial Ranks.
- 507 ap: The Red Dawn is crushed by Stephan Baringen.
- 507 ap: The Red Lion Mercenaries are formed.
- 509 ap: Wrath Riders are wiped out by the Todes Gesetz.
- 513 ap: Lonely Moon disbands with the death of their leader, the Magiqua
wars are officially over and a time of restoration and temporary peace ensues.
- 513 ap: Brodia gets absorbed into the Vylternian empire for trying to help rebels
seek exile.
- 513 ap: Mercenary Guild is founded by Baringen and Hira Ishka.

Vylternia Chapters
- 523 ap: The Story of Hiyone Liness begins.

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Abandoning his family and friends to try and save his own life during the siege of his hometown, Hiyone Liness was rescued from the brink of death by none other than Stephan Baringen the "Silver Haired Lion" and leader of the Red Lion Mercenaries.Having gained a second chance at life, Hiyone acts as a Mercenary under Baringens tutelage and suppresses his past in order to reforge himself from the coward he once was to a fearless warrior. However, when a mercenary group known as "The Red Dawn" emerge that threatens not only his new peaceful life but the entire fate of Vylternia, will he revert back into his past self and abandon his new found family? Or will he finally face his inner demons and stand up to this new menace?

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> Sadly the bio page will be down temporarily to give my artist some breathing space,
but these will be up again asap

NOTE: Everything you see here is always subject to change, meaning what you might be looking at is already outdated, so keep that in mind.

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Faded Productions Team (project vylternia):
- Despite - Creator, Developer, Mapper, Spriter, Eventor, part time Model
- NSGreen - Creative Director
- Mirage Verius aka Skie - Spriter
- pyrofire2007 - Artist
- Karasawa - Composer
- pixelnick - betatester and story pitcher
- chibichan - betatester
- abominae - betatester

Misc. Spriter
- Obsession - Battle Selection Cursor

Original Ripper:
- CrimsonPenguin
- dazz

- Nabu
- Yanfly
- Enu
- DerVVulfman
- Kylock
- Overlord_Dave
- BigEd781's
- Miget man12's
- BulletXt
- SojaBird

Other Thanks:
- Faded Productions Team wink.gif
- The law G14
- exiled one
- kira
- Mr. Bubble
- Shu
- Moonlight
- NightWalker
- Enelvon
- Atoa
- AlphaWhelp
- Mr. Anonymous
- Touchfuzzy
- woratana

- Square
- Enix
- Nippon Ichi

And anyone else whose been supporting Vylternia Chapters!!

Story: 95%
Spriting: 22%
Mapping: 20%
Script Gathering: 90%
Event Scripting: 10%
Overall: 19%

Posted by: Rekx Sep 9 2009, 03:07 AM

Very nice, It seems you have worked pretty hard on this
keep up the good work

Posted by: Obsession Sep 9 2009, 05:46 AM

The best visual representation I've seen on this site so far. The characters are very well portrayed both visually and verbally, easily to become likable just for that. The story is believeable and engaging. People will love this if you keep at it.

I will support smile.gif

Posted by: valkill100 Sep 9 2009, 11:26 AM

Everything about this screams 'Well thought out'. I'm going to keep an eye out for this one, keep it up!

Posted by: Sicksinz Sep 9 2009, 04:41 PM

This looks like an amazing project sofar. Keep it up.

Posted by: Gundam Exia Sep 10 2009, 01:05 AM

Nice Project,
I Like Games Like That,
Keep It Up smile.gif

Posted by: Elemental Crisis Sep 10 2009, 06:53 AM

I agree this looks amazing!

Definitely keeping an eye on this one. smile.gif

Posted by: Sicksinz Sep 10 2009, 08:22 AM

I must say this project gave me inspiration to do all my characters from scratch lol

Posted by: Dyhalto Sep 10 2009, 08:58 AM

Lookin' good. The sprites and battlers are all awesome, except that the old man looks a little too big.
Don't forget to credit Mr. Hyung-taekim tongue.gif

Posted by: Despite Sep 10 2009, 12:54 PM

QUOTE (Dyhalto @ Sep 10 2009, 08:58 AM) *
Lookin' good. The sprites and battlers are all awesome, except that the old man looks a little too big.
Don't forget to credit Mr. Hyung-taekim tongue.gif

ohohoho, of course, how could I forget one of my most fav artists who inspired this game? smile.gif

Posted by: Ultyma Sep 11 2009, 12:57 PM

Nice work. You seem to be heading in a great direction.

Any speculation as to % complete or anything that resembles a demo coming soon?

Posted by: Rekx Sep 11 2009, 01:34 PM

It's kinda rude to ask game makers for things like that, when
there is a demo coming out they will tell you.

Posted by: Lyric Induced Sep 11 2009, 01:49 PM

I don't think it's rude... And I'm also wondering the same.

Posted by: Dyhalto Sep 11 2009, 03:08 PM

The pursuit of knowledge is never rude.

Posted by: Despite Sep 12 2009, 07:30 AM


I'm trying my best to get it out asap, but I also don't want to rush it.

You see, the main point of my fighting system is that through the game you'll have about 20 playable characters, with a bunch of boss characters you can unlock in New Game+.

Now you might be asking yourself...Why the hell would you want 20 playable characters?

Wouldn't that be weird for events and dialogue and such? Not to mention storywise?

And what about the fighting system? Who the hell would want 5 thieves, 5 healers 5 mages and 5 swordsmen??????

Well when it comes to the story and dialogue, don't worry it won't be a bulk of 20 characters talking all the time, I got that all figured out trust me.

Now fighting wise the reason why I have 20 characters, is that all characters are different.

Now what the means is that I want YOU to create your own favorite team based on how you like to play.

For instance, each character has their strengths and weakness.

So lets just say you're bored of the traditional "swordsman, healer, mage, and thief" party.

Who isn't?

So lets just assume you're tired of your healers low defence and HP, same with the mage and thief.

So what can you do?

Create a party of "swordsman, paladin, kung fu guy, tank" (im not actually using those names, theyre just examples lol)

Now why would you do that?

First off, all of them have good def and HP, meaning you need less heals, BUT in case you do need heals the paladin has some available.

They're not as good as a healers, but with a party like that you wont need powerful heals.

Does that make sense kinda...?

Well anyways, I wanna make sure you can experience this in the demo, thats why I'm aiming for about 7-10 playable characters.

Posted by: Rayzshea Sep 12 2009, 03:12 PM

Sounds really exciting! Personally I love games where you can really customize the party, and having jack-of-all-trades type characters who can be adapted to a variety of situations.

Sounds well thought out and organized, have fun making your game.

Posted by: Rekx Sep 13 2009, 01:42 PM

QUOTE (Lyric Induced @ Sep 11 2009, 04:49 PM) *
I don't think it's rude... And I'm also wondering the same.

QUOTE (Dyhalto @ Sep 11 2009, 06:08 PM) *
The pursuit of knowledge is never rude.

Hold on, I need to correct myself.
I meant asking when the game will be done is rude,
But that is a whole different subject
My apologies

Posted by: Ultyma Sep 14 2009, 12:18 PM

That sounds very interesting, Despite.

I must say, I'm intrigued!

Posted by: Rekx Sep 16 2009, 05:30 PM

I must say I am very interested, I
will be keeping an eye on this

Posted by: Despite Sep 24 2009, 01:41 AM

Sorry for the long wait on updates but I got something to share with you all.

First and foremost I'm going to showoff the concept of a rage skill.

So take a look at this short clip but remember...the rage meter isnt full because it was quicker for me to remove the overdrive status on the skill so i could use it without waiting for a fillup.

Ya might wanna watch that in HD.

Now, don't worry this is just a CONCEPT skill, the reason why I say concept is because I just want you to notice 1 major thing..

Different attack frames.

Thats right, I'm not gonna have the boring old "attack animation" and "magic animation" rehash for each skill.

I mean c'mon, don't you hate it when you get a new skill and it's like...the same thing as the last skill with a different animation?

Nah nah nah nah, not in my game, I'll put in as much diversity as a 1 man team possibly can without bursting a blood vessel in the process. >.>

Posted by: Obsession Sep 24 2009, 03:57 AM

The battle is very well composed. Theres a certain flowing atmosphere i get from the graphics, characters and music. This is awesome ^___^

Posted by: Dyhalto Sep 24 2009, 05:26 AM

QUOTE (Despite @ Sep 24 2009, 04:41 AM) *
I mean c'mon, don't you hate it when you get a new skill and it's like...the same thing as the last skill with a different animation?

*plays Final Fantasy 1*
Fighter attacks with Rapier : skrunch-kcheww
*30 hours later*
Black Mage casts Nuke : skrunch-kcheww

No, doesn't bother me a bit laugh.gif

Still, this looks awesome smile.gifDon't ever lose interest.

Posted by: Rayzshea Sep 24 2009, 09:13 PM

yah, lovely looking project. The skill specific animations are nice, and I am glad to see that at least this one is closely related in length to the regular attack.

I am playing a commercial game right now where I find myself fast forwarding through most battles because of common skills taking 15 seconds or more.. so annoying/unnecessary.

Posted by: Despite Sep 24 2009, 11:51 PM

Thanks for the compliments guys. smile.gif

And yea, I feel you on the length of skills.

I mean yea of course the more skills you get the stronger and BIGGER they'll get.

But Im gonna try to keep a steady pace throughout the fight, so you get to see whats going on but you still gotta be on edge because the next turn will pop up any second.

Posted by: Gundam Exia Sep 27 2009, 10:23 PM

Hows The Game Going So Far?
I Hope It Will Be Woo Hooo! -ish.

Posted by: Despite Sep 30 2009, 08:28 AM

Well guys I was gonna show off gameplay footage and everything but....My computers hates me and kept on crashing so instead I just got 1 footage to show you, and its the BETA version of the second boss fight vs. draconis:

Now why show this to you now with so many things I gotta still fix?..including the infinite FORCEFIELD skill (lol)

Well I just wanted to just give you a broad perspective of how fast paced a fight is, and that just pressing attack attack attack will get you killed quicker then a snowball in hell.

Now of course, draconis is a dragon so he is slow, put he def. packs a punch, especially his rage skill Dragonbreath, which is also shown in the video, SORRY THOUGH because I had ellis' skill menu open for the beginning of his attack which kinda took away some epicness.

Long story short what he does is fly in the middle, charge up a bit THEN use his attack.

Better then him just casting fire, right? lol

Anyways feedback is appreciated but keep in mind have a lot of things I still have to add, namely more skills and balance.

Posted by: Dyhalto Sep 30 2009, 03:20 PM

Looks epic, but you really have to fix those damage number rolls tongue.gif

Posted by: Despite Sep 30 2009, 03:58 PM

details details details wink.gif

Posted by: Gundam Exia Sep 30 2009, 04:10 PM

I Can't Remember The Last Time I Watched A Good Game...
Cant Wait To Try It.

Posted by: Despite Oct 8 2009, 12:03 PM

Alright guys time for an update on what's been going on here.

First off I've been doing tons of sprite editing and I'm proud to say that Nash is now 100% done including his starter skills and RAGE skill.
Hiyone has been given a different starting skill and Fuurin is now a tad powered up, but you'll learn that around lvl 4 or so.
Marlenes RAGE has also been overhauled, instead of 4 eagles swooping down doing 1 chunk of damage, they'll fly down individually producing less damage but added up MORE damage then if they flew down as a whole.

Also the new town of Obam is finished and err...what else...

Oh yea, so I speed played through what I got so far and I'm happy to announce that vylternia chapters is now around 1-1.5 hours long!

Still a loooong way to go though..

The bad thing is some events/dialogue happen too fast so I'm gonna have my trusty tester play through it and help me even out the rough edges.

SO! Now that that's settled how about some screenshots?

(theyre in a random order, sorry about that >.>)

Posted by: Ultyma Oct 8 2009, 12:25 PM

Wow. Your game looks simply awesome.
I like the Menu. The way the battles seem to play out.
With the Menu, it definitely adds to the whole feel of the game.
Seems to me like you really made your project "your own".
You don't see that alot, and it's done well.

My only 2 squabbles...
The face sets are from Magna Carta. A very well-known game.
Using graphics from other games is fine. But, when it's from a pretty well-known game...
And the graphics show up frequently(like in the menu, ala Face Set)...It takes away from the originality feel of the game.

I also think the cursor in the battles is a bit TOO intrusive...
With some of the animations, it seems to cover more than half of the character sprite.
Maybe something can be done to change that?

All in all. Good work!

Posted by: Despite Oct 8 2009, 12:29 PM

When you see the animations when they play out it'll all make sense.

And the face sets, yea I agree but i suck at drawing, and I tried vectoring n stuff but it just doesn't work out. I'm just hesitant to ask an artist because I'm incredibly picky and I don't want anyone to waste their time, that's why this is more of a solo project. >.>
So yea.. I wish but some things just can't go your way, considering I need a facepic AND a full body pic for each character for their RAGE skills.

And the cursor...I agree I forgot to take that script out. wink.gif

Posted by: Ultyma Oct 8 2009, 12:30 PM

haha. Good news about the cursor.
smile.gif Good man! hehe

I'm guessing b/c of the way that you have those scripts...
Using an additional Sprite with some sort of pose for the Face wouldn't work?
(not demanding, just wondering hehe)

Posted by: Despite Oct 8 2009, 12:32 PM

Well as said it's not just the facepic, its the rage skill with its "cut in" that requires a full body pic.

It'd just throw people off to jujst see sprites and then all of a sudden "Who the hell is this guy that just popped in?"

Posted by: Obsession Oct 8 2009, 12:36 PM

I agree with Ultyma, smaller cursor with a more subtle theme. I perhaps suggest a colour similar to the menu colour scheme? (If this is a futuristic game, then a little streak of plasma like light would look nice.)

I don't know. I did these in a few seconds. Think something in this format on a smaller scale. More subtle colours.

Posted by: Despite Oct 8 2009, 12:37 PM

No it's not a futiristic game but I'm digging those cursors >.>

I might havta jack that blue one lol

Posted by: Obsession Oct 8 2009, 01:01 PM

Feel free to steal/use/edit them :3

Posted by: Despite Oct 8 2009, 01:04 PM

Here's how they'd look with your cursor:

I had to resize it down a tad, but I like it much better then the glowing crazy slot machine cursor. wink.gif

Of course credit will be given, you are now part of the vylternia project. >.>

thank you for your patronage

Posted by: Obsession Oct 8 2009, 01:26 PM

Not a problem. If you ever need window graphics and such, they don't take me long at all, hell, I've revamped whole default menu systems. :3

Posted by: Despite Oct 8 2009, 02:16 PM

ooo I might have to take you up on that offer.

I'll pm you with something >.>

Posted by: Ultyma Oct 8 2009, 03:28 PM

Awesome. That's how sh*t gets done!

The new cursor looks better. And fits well, also.
hehe. Nice work, Obsession.

Posted by: Despite Oct 8 2009, 03:51 PM

new menu setup im workin on.

Posted by: Rekx Oct 19 2009, 01:13 PM

Looks good, keep up the good work.

Posted by: Runefreak Oct 19 2009, 05:27 PM

Wow this game looks amazing ohmy.gif, very nice

Posted by: Ultyma Oct 20 2009, 11:05 AM

Excellent work with that Menu Screen...
I really like that...alot...

God, now I'm jealous!

-searches for custom menu scripts-

Posted by: Dyhalto Oct 20 2009, 03:30 PM

Ellis is a Holy Cleric. Is there an Unholy Cleric? tongue.gif

Also, the status screen doesn't have to scroll for a 4-man party, does it? It's kind of awkward to have one guy off-screen at a time. Can you get more than 4 people at once?

Posted by: Despite Oct 20 2009, 06:01 PM

It actually does scroll down.

You just go to status, and use the cursor to scroll up or down. smile.gif

Posted by: yuna21 Oct 21 2009, 12:17 PM

Love that menu, Despite. It looks like a menu from a game that could be released on the PS2. smile.gif What script are you using to make the menus? I'm really digging it. Very professional. Well done. 'big thumbs up'. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Despite Oct 21 2009, 08:10 PM

Its actually a compilation of 4 different menu edits that I somehow got to work by editing reordering and editing some more til it somehow worked. :V

Posted by: Ultyma Oct 22 2009, 10:59 AM

QUOTE (Despite @ Oct 22 2009, 12:10 AM) *
Its actually a compilation of 4 different menu edits that I somehow got to work by editing reordering and editing some more til it somehow worked. :V

haha. That's freakin' awesome.
Playing with code can be fun...
Often times, not very rewarding...
But, you've pulled off something V.nice!

Posted by: Runefreak Oct 30 2009, 11:37 AM

Love the new menu, good luck with your project laugh.gif

Posted by: Despite Nov 5 2009, 08:50 PM

Sorry for the lack of updates on this topic but here's whats been going on:

- Chapter 1 is coming to a close, the first official "prototype test" was made and it seems like we're on the right path

- SPRITE OVERHAUL, thats right. Sprite overhaul. Mirage verius over at RRR agreed to sprite up a "concept" sprite for each characters idle stance and I'm left to do sprite up the sheets. :V Don't know what I'm talking about?

Here's a comparison of the sprites, the left colum ones are the BEFORE sprites and to the right their newly edited counterparts:

Posted by: Obsession Nov 6 2009, 10:28 AM

I say do it. The new ones look so much better.

Posted by: Despite Nov 6 2009, 12:49 PM

Yea I am doing it, that image is just a result thing :V

Posted by: Rekx Nov 13 2009, 03:47 PM

Dude, The new ones looks Awesome!
This makes your game 10x better, They are so much easier on the
eyes and go together very well.
So good job!

Posted by: xX_Raian the Fallen_Xx Nov 14 2009, 09:38 AM

Oh.. my... god.

It looks AMAZING.

I'll definitely add that userbar to my sig, and I will DEFINITELY be playing it when it's released.

Also- use the sprites on the right. I love 'em.

Posted by: Rekx Nov 14 2009, 11:37 PM

QUOTE (xX_Raian the Fallen_Xx @ Nov 14 2009, 12:38 PM) *
Oh.. my... god.

It looks AMAZING.

I'll definitely add that userbar to my sig, and I will DEFINITELY be playing it when it's released.

Also- use the sprites on the right. I love 'em.

See, I can only agree with.........Him?

Posted by: Dyhalto Nov 29 2009, 06:55 PM

Your support graphic is too far out horizontally. Fix it. I command thee tongue.gif
Also, I don't know why I didn't notice before but you're using a Romancing SaGa 3 tileset. I'm going to steal it from you (for my next project.... after I start and finish my first.......)

In other chit-chat, how about a progress update? smile.gif

Posted by: Gundam Exia Nov 29 2009, 08:27 PM

Im Wondering,
Since I'm Making A Kaduki Game, I Want It To Look Good,The Characters,The Title,The Place, Everything.
But I'm Having A Problem With One Thing.
I Don't Know How To Put The Battle Face HUD And The Pic Above,
I'm Asking What Script You Used To Do That.
Or The Face HUD.
Thx In Adv.

Posted by: Despite Nov 30 2009, 12:44 PM

Dyhalto - I don't use tilesets, I parallax map. wink.gif
As for progress, i'm tweaking some story stuff and sending it to my prototype testers. After we discuss what can be improved I'll make the necessary changes and release the first full Vylternia chapters demo which will be chapter1 complete.

Gundam - I'm using the STR33 abs kaduki system

Posted by: Rekx Dec 8 2009, 08:13 PM

QUOTE (Despite @ Nov 30 2009, 03:44 PM) *
Dyhalto - I don't use tilesets, I parallax map. wink.gif
As for progress, i'm tweaking some story stuff and sending it to my prototype testers. After we discuss what can be improved I'll make the necessary changes and release the first full Vylternia chapters demo which will be chapter1 complete.

Gundam - I'm using the STR33 abs kaduki system

How can you not use Tilesets?
I shall await the day you release chapter one!

They say 1 out of every 1000 games being made will be a game people
will love are you gonna make this the one?

Posted by: Despite Dec 10 2009, 07:44 PM

Maybe, or it could be the 1 out of 1000 games thats a total failure. :V

Posted by: Dyhalto Dec 11 2009, 04:14 PM

You going to fix this support banner? tongue.gif

Posted by: Despite Dec 22 2009, 11:25 AM

A pic of the final boss fight in chapter 1, and the second red dawn character you face.

Posted by: Obsession Dec 22 2009, 12:47 PM

The colour and atmosphere is brilliant a dark =3

The new sprites look great in it.

Posted by: Despite Dec 23 2009, 01:42 PM

new video:

Keep in mind this battle still has a lot of tweaking to do, as a matter of fact its not set up yet at all :V

Also my older video got mentioned on some jap site:

can anyone translate that for me?

Posted by: Despite Dec 25 2009, 02:40 PM

Merry christmas to you all!

Figured I'd take this time to introduce my new artist, pyrofire2007. :V

You can check out his deviantart here:

Oh and I almost forgot! :V

Posted by: Obsession Dec 25 2009, 03:00 PM

Oh is that a commission or a request?

The art looks absolutely great smile.gif

Posted by: Dyhalto Dec 25 2009, 03:31 PM

At this rate, you'll be able to dump the official Hyung-taekim art and replace it with original works (though greatly inspired).

Posted by: Despite Dec 25 2009, 09:10 PM

No I actually got an artist on the team, meaning he's doing everything, everything.

Of course the early characters will be hueng inspired, due to the characters being based off of the art "personality wise" and spritewise.

But we're doing some changes on them, after that expect all the characters thereafter to be 100000000% original and unique. :V

Posted by: Despite Jan 3 2010, 08:20 PM

I updated the first post, tons of new stuff to check out. :V

Posted by: Dyhalto Jan 3 2010, 10:09 PM

Damn, it looks phenomenal now. You've come a long way.

If I have anything to mention, it's that you have a whole lot of backstory to swallow. Be sure to make the game keep a decent pace, revealing bits and pieces of the mythos as the player progresses. Don't try to lump it all in at once like lots of other games.

Posted by: Despite Jan 3 2010, 11:13 PM

I won't, as a matter of fact much of this backstory won't be told throughout the actual game, maybe I'll make an optional library map where you can learn some of this stuff.

But this is purely just for those who care about story. :V


here ya go:

Posted by: Lyric Induced Jan 4 2010, 12:14 AM

I love when games have a lot of back story. I have a similar method of telling it - the main character can work with a historian and the player can play through bunches of optional story segments.

The game is still looking good, Despite. :3

Posted by: RPG Hacker Jan 4 2010, 06:08 AM

HOLY **** ohmy.gif ! This is looking good, if not amazing. The only thing I didn't like was that the voices and sounds were kinda late in the KS (but probably it was only the video?). Except for that it's really looking awesome.

Posted by: Dyhalto Jan 4 2010, 07:32 AM

Ah, much better biggrin.gif Fits and looks more stylish.

Posted by: Kul.Kuthura Jan 10 2010, 08:13 AM

Looking awesome, can't wait to play this game!
And on a sidenote, are those sprites from Soul Nomad?

Posted by: yuna21 Jan 10 2010, 08:31 AM

The artwork is simple breathtaking. Your artist is extremely talented, Despite. And I must say that this is the best presented project on this site....EVER. Very professional. I'd take my hat off to you. smile.gif

Posted by: Despite Jan 12 2010, 03:35 AM

Kul- The bases are for soul nomad yeah, but I don't wanna be cocky our reworked sprites look much better then the ones in soul nomad. :V

Yuna- thank you so much!

Posted by: valkill100 Jan 12 2010, 11:37 AM

Oh yeah, this puts my game to shame! mellow.gif
Your game is simply awesome!

Posted by: Dyhalto Jan 12 2010, 03:47 PM

Putting things to shame? All it does is set the bar higher. That's the driving force behind innovation and success.

Posted by: valkill100 Jan 12 2010, 04:16 PM

True, very true. I still have very much to learn before I can be any good though.

Posted by: Rekx Jan 15 2010, 03:51 PM

I see you've revamped the Title graphics, even as I thought it wasn't possible, this game now looks even cooler.

Posted by: Ultyma Jan 15 2010, 06:04 PM

I may have said this before...But, no mind...
I really like the History of your Game World. As well as the different Factions aspect.
The Game World seems to be very well thought out. And, planning has served you very well here.

Posted by: Despite Feb 18 2010, 04:01 AM

Well the game been on quite a long hiatus (about a month) but never fear....despite is here! :V

Currently the game is getting a goddamn face lift more extensive then...ok, maybe it's still too soon to make a Michael joke. :V

The main thing that irked me and my prototype testers, is the godawful overworld phantombrave/makai sprite edits.

Yep you guessed it, its all getting an overhaul of epic proportions, thanks to skie whose been so kind as to help me out with concept sprites!

here's a sneak peak on the new hiyone and ellis:

I'm very happy that vylternia is finally getting that personal feel that it deserves, hopefully it will also set it apart from the most of the rm games that have been flooding sites lately and maybe even give it a personal place in the "top rm games of all time", a man can dream can't he?

Also the game will get another entire revamp, mapping wise, event wise, dialogue wise, as a matter of fact the vylternia my prototype testers have played, will not even be "felt" in this new rendition.

I'm very excited about this, sadly with heavy time constraints, but it seems like vylternia is headed in the direction I've intended too since the beginning! :V

Posted by: Dyhalto Feb 18 2010, 04:03 PM

I don't think seeing your game on the same list as Ara Fell 2k3 and Tales of Exile is a far fetched idea. Keep at it and never lose interest.

Posted by: Despite Feb 25 2010, 04:46 PM

uploaded some music from my game, you can check it out in my youtube channel:

^ there

Posted by: Materia Feb 25 2010, 04:58 PM

-remembers Tales of Exile-

Love the enthusiasm about your project, Despite.
The videos on the the Youtube video are great, too.

Posted by: Renson Feb 28 2010, 11:46 AM

This is the kind of project that deserves to go commercial. But I suggest you keep it as freeware... biggrin.gif

Also, is this gonna be open-source or encrypted?

Posted by: Despite Mar 1 2010, 08:49 AM

the graphics have taken such a painstakingly long time to create that yes, it will be encrypted, not that it'll stop those dedicated rippers from stealing it but atleast it'll discourage people to do so.

Also this will most certainly be freeware.

and on an end note, thanks for the compliments guys. smile.gif

Posted by: Rekx Mar 12 2010, 09:05 PM

Even if it seems it will discourage people from ripping and/or stealing your GFX. Sadly, it won't make a lick of
difference, even noobs will try. Though they will fail, it isn't enough to dis-encourage their semi-productive minds.

And good luck with the GFX anyways, they have improved as I've said before, and I will enjoy playing this game to the
fullest extent.

Posted by: Renson Mar 13 2010, 02:33 AM

But that's what open-source is about - sharing your resources and work with the world, so people can learn from it.

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