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17 years old
Male Male
Canada... somewhere...
Born April-22-1990
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Joined: 19-December 07
Profile Views: 59*
Last Seen: 1st April 2008 - 07:58 AM
Local Time: Apr 17 2008, 07:19 PM
18 posts (0.15 per day)
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My Content
31 Jan 2008
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TLOC - My Learning Experience
Project Name:
- The Legend of Crests
Team Name:
- Hell's Elements
- When I got my hands on VX, I decided that I wanted to learn how to use it the best I could if I was going to buy it. I ended up starting a test game in the editor but as it went, I didn't want to stop. Basically I'm now furthering into a project though I don't expect it to be any good or anything.
- The total sum of the world is divided into different realms. All so long ago a god became curious to the realms and decided he wanted his own. Swinging an oversized runic sword he created the realm that would come to be known as Rykos. He granted the realm life and decided that he would rest and see how it developed in a later time. As he willed it, the Mikyl (Humans) were born. As the Mikyl evolved, so did their darkness as they sought power at any cost. This darkness was harnessed by a man named Dhio Zarkall as he sought a weapon against others. Instead of creating a weapon, the darkness infused into himself and his unborn son Riokajin. Some time later, after Dhio's natural death, his son raised an army of darkened "Demons" and decided on realm conquest... Zkyy awoke to a world of chaos but could not directly intervene so he decided to create weapons for the Mikyl to use against the Demons. Not soon after the Elemental Crests, glyphs that would attach to a person and grant them the use of Majek, appeared. Little did he know that these would later cause the downfall of everything he created.
- Nymh Telrunya: One of two brothers that lost his past life in Demon attacks. He's now 17 and seeks a life under the path of the Holy Flare.
- Archaas Sujen: One of the incarnations of darkness Dhio created that possesed Nymh's big brother. He now seeks the Crests in order to rule Rykos.
- Raeddon: Zkyy's awesomely powerful older brother. Seeing the Demons has caused something in his memories to spark and he decided to directly intervene with the mortals.
- Akreao Daemos: Thought only to be legend, stories still pass of a dark god created with Rykos that will return one day to destroy everything living.
- Uses the default resources, a custom battle floor and window skin and two external scripts. That's it, nothing else will be used.
- External scripts are: Neo Face System, Battle Background System
- None yet.
Demo/Full Version:
At The Project Site
3 Jan 2008
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Something seems funny...
Check this guy out, I don't believe him.

RPG Maker Translated Demo - Vid
23 Dec 2007
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I know how you edited the language DLL but how did you edit the Scripts in that Data folder thing? You can't save the changes and I don't know what you used to open it other than VX.
19 Dec 2007
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Hi, I'm Akreao! I made my way here from rpgmakervx.com.

I'm currently using your VX translation and it's extremely helpful seeing as I can't read Japanese. So thanks guys!

Also, I'm 17 and I run a World of Warcraft private server and website.
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Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 17th April 2008 - 04:19 PM