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30 years old
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behind you like a ninja
Born Jan-1-1978
Anime, programming, web design, graphics, etc. I'm a geek
Joined: 1-February 08
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Local Time: Apr 9 2008, 11:44 PM
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6 Mar 2008
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[SBM] - RPG Maker Editor Tools v1.0
ever find it tedious to keep having to test battle in order to see what damage your weapons do? How much damage your skills deal out or heal for? Well I plan on remedying that. From the evil dark lair of Studio Byte Media (you haven't heard of it. only two people one this site has) I bring you the RPG Maker Editor Tools v1.0! This program will support computability with the Algorithms from as far back as rpgmaker 2000 and will allow you to enter data and have it export out a damage. For instance, damage in Vx goes as follows.
A's attack * 4 - B's defense * 2 = damage Then after that you calculate in Elemental resistance. Damage * (2, 1.5, 1, .05, 0, -1) Then, if B is defending, you divide by half. if he is a strong defender, by 1/4th. That outputs your full damage with a variance of like 20% which subtracts from the full total. (I say subtracts cause thats the only way I can get close to the damage being delt in game). I wont bore you with the details but trust me it gets pretty close to the damage dealt in game (not 100% perfect cause its VB not Ruby) Anyways the Beta will be up within 1 - 2 days, so to tide you over, here is a screenshot of said program thus far in development. (IMG: Looks pretty no? Alright now I'm leaving this project open to the public. If you think of something cool that you would like added, inform me of it and I'll see what I can do. This program is designed to be an editors tool to help ease some of the redundant crap. Anyways, I'll post the finished demo up here in a couple days. This is a RPG Crisis exclusive so you wont find it anywhere else (unless you steal it and put it up somewhere else >.>) Later.
1 Feb 2008
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New person
rawr I'm a new person! fear my newbish ways! rawr!
>.> <. ok so anyways yeah i new the names shinateku. wow...that rhymed. in charge of sbm productions which oversees all my gaming projects crisis and thats it xd not an interesting person but if you take time to know me find that boring either. do hold skill scripting eventing need help can probably unless> Well I'm new. see you guys around the site.
1 Feb 2008
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Advanced Eventing Tutorial: Magic Buying system
So yeah, my first tutorial so don't expect it to loo fancy like other tutorials. It should prove at least somewhat helpful though.
#================Advanced Event Tutorial: Advanced Magic Buying System============================== #=======================Created By Louis Wacker (AKA Shinateku)================================= Skill Level: Intermediate Time to create: took me about 20 minutes Have you ever wanted to make a game where the player can choose to customize their character with magic instead of being taught magic when they reach a certain level? Are you crappy with scripts and don't want to wait til one is made? Well then read on my friend cause this tutorial is for you. IF you follow the instructions completely then this method will not fail you. IF you have any support questions for this Advanced Event Tutorial then please Direct them to the email that follows: I give my permission to use this tutorial on Creation Asylum, Rpg Crisis, and any other game site out there because I feel the need to spread knowledge around. You don't need to credit me because this is just presenting knowledge for you to use, but if you post this on other sites, please leave my name attached. Now, on with the tutorial. STEP 1: Create an Event. Go ahead and name this event Magic Shop For the purpose of this tutorial. Set the image of the Event to that of a person, and give them a face set if you want. this Person is your Magic shop NPC if you haven't figured it out yet. Step 2: Go ahead and create a variable. Call this variable "Tutorial" This becomes important in a second but is also completely optional. Step 3: Create a conditional branch, the first of many, and set its condition to "if variable tutorial = 0 then "" Else "" Go ahead and type in a tutorial on how to use your magic system in the first area. remember after the tutorial to set the variable tutorial to 1 so the players wont ever have to suffer through it again. Step 4: Inside the else statement for the first conditional branch, Insert a Choice line. Put each Choice as a type of magic. For this tutorial, go ahead and put White Magic, Black Magic. Step 5: Inside the White magic choice, go ahead and put another choice. Each of these choices should be the name of a spell, a hyphen, and a price. essentially looks like this: Cure - 100g. if you have more than 4 spells, then put three on this page and use the fourth choice to say Go to next page. There, now you have more room with another choice ^^ Step 6: Create a new event and call it TEST EVENT 1. We are going to use this event to get rid of some confusion. In this event, make a conditional statement. it should read as follows. If Money >= [cost of spell] then: "" Else: "" Inside that condition branch in the Then area put a new conditional branch that says: If actor knows [spell] then: "" else: "". In the second area of the first conditional branch (the else area on the money conditional branch) go ahead and put a message that says "you do not have enough gold to get this spell." In the First area of the second conditional branch (the actor knows spell one), go ahead and type a message saying "Already know that spell". Confused yet? Anyways in the Then area of the second conditional branch go ahead and set a decrease in their gold = to what the spell costs. Then set that the Actor now knows that spell. Finally, put a message saying he learned that spell. Congrats, you now have saved yourself a lot of work. Here is what it should look like.
@>Conditional Branch: Money is 100 or Greater
@>Conditional Branch: [Zach Izulid] has [Heal] Obtained @> Message: -, -, Usual, Under : :Zach already Knows that spell @> : Else @> Change Money: - 100 @> Change Skill: [Zack Izulid, + Heal] @> Message: -, -, Usual, Under : :Zach Learned heal! @> : Branch end : Else @>Message: -, -, Usual, Under : :You don't have enough gold! @> : Branch end @> Simple no? Ok so lets take an intermission. With this set of the event created, we can copy and paste and simply just hit spacebar in order to edit the text and money taken, as well as the spell used in the conditional branch. Just one problem though, this is for only one character. What if you have more than one? Well thats simple enough. Step 7: Locate in the Magic Shop event the area where you just put the first choice. Go ahead and highlight it (it should highlight the entire series of choices) and cut it. Now go ahead and put in a new choice, with each of the choices being the name of one of your characters. If you have more than four, then do the trick with the spells. Go ahead and paste the choices under each character choice. Congrats you just made this usable for mutiple charactrs. Step 8: This part is really the final part. Go to test event and copy that entire thing. Then paste it under Each spell. Change the information in this part of the event to corrispond with the individual characters (such as instead of Zach learning a spell, put another character in his place). Congrats, you are done. That wasn't so bad was it? Ok so here is the completed code. This is for 1 person, not multiple. Ok so this isn't the neatest tutorial ever, but if you read and follow what I say then it should work out for you. if you have any questions, feel free to post them where this is posted or email me at Have fun with this script. Remember, this script was brought to you by Studio Byte Media! |
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Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 9th April 2008 - 09:44 PM |