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You wake up in a cold sweat because you dream of me...
You cant get the image out of your head...
pink fluffy with really big teeth...
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24 years old
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Born Jan-17-1984
God the bible, Linux, RPG makers, My daughter
Joined: 18-December 07
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Last Seen: 27th May 2008 - 08:48 PM
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10 May 2008
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RPG Maker VX In Linux
Tested and working using wine 1.0rc2
What works?
Everything except it may not look all perfect due to compression issues.
Activates perfectly
games play unless they are compressed
Projects can be opened and saved without issue
All tools as of Wine 1.0rc1 work e.g. face maker and all... Dynamic Linking of tools like calc and placement work...
As always having windows inside of a virtual machine works best!
Scripting works flawlessly!

Depending on the distribution of choice you may run into issues
Known issues.
1. Game may freeze the computer and needs to be restarted. This is due to the RPGVX.exe file being super compressed.(working on this)
2. Music may not work depending on the distro. You must enable ALSA audio and emulate driver. Midi files may not produce sound but ogg wav mp3 are all supported fully.
WARNING: Do not check all three audio options wine will not run!
3. Text may display incorrectly or not at all. You must have the Microsoft core fonts installed.
4. Menu crashed X11 and a critical error occurs. This is due to the RPGVX.exe file being compressed. Trying to work through the dlls needed. This does not happen on 64 bit versions of Linux only on 32. Once I have fully gotten it to work I will post a link to working non-microsoft DLL files and a list of the files used for the time being. Stay tuned for updates!
Level of completion 98%
Why work so hard to get it to work under Linux as there are much better apps needing porting?
I am a fanboy of the RPG Maker Series simple as that.

Will the games made with the windows version work too?
Only if you include any external dlls you may have called when scripting out using ruby.
Only if the game is not compressed as this causes lag issues and may cause X11 to lockup.

1. Go here and according to the distribution you use install wine1.0rc2 http://www.winehq.org/site/download
NOTE:Using 0.9.x may not work with any RPG Maker or may give really wierd results.
2. Click through your applications menu until you find wine>configure wine after it is done installing. Run winecfg from the terminal if it doesn't put it into your menu.
3. Click the audio tab and make sure all only 1 of the 3 boxes are checked. Set the Audio acceleration to full for now unless you don't get music. You may have to play around with these settings until you get music. Ubuntu especially has an issue as it compresses the sound to make it more compatible and this causes with the audio being pre-compressed and midi files don't play.
4. Install the RTP and the RMVX programs as you would windows. If the installation freezes in such as the XWareM2 release wait like a minute save all of your work and hit CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and login. Create a launcher link to /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Enterbrain/RPG Maker VX/RPGVX.exe I am going to extract the Icon file and post it to the download section soon unless someone already has and all.
WARNING:I don't condone pirating software and I use the XWareM2 release because I hate registering the darned thing every time I install it on one of my PC's. I purchased the Japanese and English versions respectively and have the Japanese version box sealed. Support such a great program and buy at least the English version 60 bucks is not that much.
Wine 1.0rc2 is out. I will supply downloads to hacked DLL files once the final release comes out to suppliment the menu bug!
Face Maker doesn't read any of the face png files yet on my todo list. once again a dll error.
XY Machine works 100%
RMXP Calculator works 100%
Move Event does not work and simply crashes out.
I am not going to test the loaders as they are useless now.
Crossover office works quite well and doesn't crash X due to the menu error and there will be instructions for those who need it later with hacked DLL files.
I need help and need to know what outside Windows DLL files RPG Maker VX calls and could I get someone like Hyperlisk or Elemental Crisis to let me know so I can edit the open source ones to mimic the Windows ones more closely! I am extremely close to completion and this would be a huge help and once I am done I will post them in the download section with instructions!
Below is a screen-shot:
10 May 2008
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safedisk issue
Right now I am using Linux and RPG Maker VX fully works with Wine 1.0rc1 all except for safedisk. For some reason beyond me and only God knows why, they implimented safedisk copy protection into it. If any of you 1337 h4ck3rz can help me out with a crack that can bypass safedisk it would be much appreciated. (Yes i did buy it both the US and the Japanese boxed versions) I just hate booting up windows just to use RPG Maker VX!
3 May 2008
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Unreal 3
This game is smokingly HAWT! worth the 50 clams! Not much to say but YOU MUST PLAY IT.... (IMG:https://rpgcrisis.net/forums/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
2 May 2008
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Working with Ubuntu!
If you have or are thinking of jumping the Windows ship pay attention to me! This is the intro to all of my walkthroughs. Ubuntu is the distro I use currently and is the only one I actively support. If you run another distro you can ask me and I may know but I will not go out of the way as I would for Ubuntu. If you use another *buntu such as Kubuntu I can help you as most of the questions asked in one version work in another. Just organized differently. That's right you don't entirely need to use windows and still can run rpg makers woot! (IMG:https://rpgcrisis.net/forums/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) For those thinking of using Linux Look at the *buntus. They are the best desktop distro's out there.


If you have a lot relying on windows and just wanted to try linux out without sacrificing a thing. You don't have a second computer to install it on. You have limited knowledge of computers and want to learn. Then I suggest WUBI. It a windows installer that installs Ubuntu without doing a thing to windows or your hard drive!

RPG Maker 95+
This is the only rpg maker program that works with WINE. WINE is a windows emulator for those wondering.
The rest of the RMs do not work good enough to be used with wine.
see here:

RM2k(3) and up I suggest installing qemu or some other virtual machine and installing a version of windows I suggest Windows 2000. Using Windows XP in QEMU works well as well but I suggest getting nlite and taking out all the extra OS options including networking. I am currently working on a super light version of XP specifically designed exclusively for RPG Makers and will have them all preinstalled. This will be a program that will run in Ubuntu allowing you to run the RPG Makers and the games made in them. It will be very limited for anything else. Stay tuned for updates concerning this!

I will have as many tools as physically possible included in the program E.G. Face Maker. If you would like to see a tool or specific program included in the final release (1.0) please request it here and if possible give me a link as to where I can find it. All of the tools in the download section will be included.
Wine 1.0rc1 now fully supports running of RPG maker VX! No issues! If, however you run into a few I am working tightly with the folks over at wine in fixing this issue. Apperently there is a problem with safedisk copyprotection. If anyone can help me make a crack to bypass safedisk we can resolve this issue now!
UPDATE:May 25 2008
Wine 1.0rc2 works even better!
Known bugs:
Menu support not yet implimented
Midi may have an issue
12 Mar 2008
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rmvx keygen
the rmxp keygen works on rmvx woot
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