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 Elemental Crisis
post Dec 26 2007, 09:08 PM
Post #1


Group: Owner
Posts: 266
Joined: 27-November 07
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Written By: Dragoon Falcon

In the end, only a few of all the numbers associated with a _unit_ matter for resolving combat. These are: "Attack", "Attack Speed", "Defense", "Magic Power", and "Magic Defense".
However, each of these numbers is a composite of many others. Here's how they all add up:


Attack is equal to the Power of the unit plus the Power of the weapon that unit is wielding.
Attack = unit Power + weapon Power

"Attack Speed"

Perhaps the most confusing. Attack Speed is equal to the unit's Skill (a.k.a. Agility) minus the Weight of the armor it is wearing plus 1/3 of the Useability of the weapon it has equipped (rounded down).
Attack Speed = unit Agility - armor Weight + (weapon Useability)/3


Defense is equal to the Stamina of the unit plus the Physical Defense rating of the equipped armor.
Defense = unit Stamina + armor Physical Defense

"Magic Power"

Magic Power is an inherent unit stat.

"Magic Defense"

Magic Defense is equal to 1/2 the unit's Magic Power (rounded down, of course) plus the armor's Magic Defense rating.
Magic Defense = (unit Magic Power)/2 + armor Magic Defense

It is worth noting that the "Other" slot is the most flexible for influencing statistics, because it can change all four of the crucial inherent unit stats (Power, Agility, Magic Power, and Stamina).

Hope this helps, and have fun using Sim RPG Maker 95!
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