Official RMVX Mistranslations, Mistakes in the official version
 Elemental Crisis
post Mar 26 2008, 11:24 PM
Post #1


Group: Owner
Posts: 240
Joined: 27-November 07
Member No.: 1

This topic will serve as a list of all the mistranslations in the official version of RPG Maker VX. If you find a translation mistake please PM it to me so I can verify it.

Name:Key Input Buttons
Location: Conditional Branch>4th Page>Button Drop Down Menu
Listed Button / Actual Button

X - A
A - Shift
B - X
L - Q
R - W
Y - S
Z - D
Up - Up/8 (On numpad)
Down - Down/6 (On numpad)
Left - Left/4 (On numpad)
Right - Right/2 (On numpad)
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