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The cake is a lie.
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22 years old
Iz in yur RPG Makur, maykin sum geimz.
Born Sep-17-1985
Too much to put in one interest box. I mean, come on, I only have 1000 characters with which to post things in here, I need to make sure to use them carefully. That means that I can't spam this thing and really need to think carefully and evaluate what interests in my life are of the highest importance that I'd be willing to share them with complete strangers. More to the point, what could I be interested in that completely strangers would be interested in as well? Hell! Who's even reading this right now? Does anyone REALLY care what *checks name* Koru-chan is interested in? Do you guys give two shits if I'm interested in DDR or twiddling my thumbs? I didn't think so. Now leave me alone so I can get back to my thinking. I have precious few characters to post about myself and I need to concentrate. Now, to think. What could I say about myself that people want to hear, that I'm willing to say, and that fits in this box? Oops! It looks like right here is 1000 characters.
Joined: 30-January 08
Profile Views: 133*
Last Seen: 5th March 2008 - 04:03 PM
Local Time: Apr 17 2008, 07:21 PM
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2 Feb 2008
Read Topic
[Request] Materia Script
Okay, I know this is a bit of a stretch and would be a giant pain in the arse to create... but I'm looking for a script that would allow me to give my characters the ability to equip materia-like stones into slots in their weapons and armor to gain abilities. It doesn't even have to allow them to equip complicated things like counter attack materia, elemental materia, or added effect. I just need a way where spells are only on a person if the person has that equipped and you can only get a certain number of them.

This would also require a way to assign a certain amount of slots to a weapon/armor. I'd also like to be able to put slots on certain accessories if I wish.

I know this would be complicated. This requires added perimeters on weapons/armor/accessories, requires odd behavior from items that affect the characters' spells only when 'equipped', and for such perimeters and stones to be viewable on the menu, perhaps having their own section of it. If this required me to make images for the materia I'd be more than willing, so having to use custom images to make it work isn't an issue for me.

If anyone would be willing to take this on, please let me know. I'll probably be posting this around other sites too, to make sure I look in as many places as I can. Hopefully someone can help me.

Whether I can get this script or not is the large deciding factor on if my project I want to start is feasible.
2 Feb 2008
Read Topic
Beginner's Guide in Progress
Alright, I'm starting work on a complete beginner's guide to RPG Maker VX. I was inspired by ccoa's guide that was started on RRR and Elemental commenting to me that I made tutorials that were very good for beginners. This is ccoa's guide she started:

The Guide

Lot's of good content, but I don't know if I liked the fact that it was a guide on creating a specific game about as much as it was about game creation in general. There were a few things she did that I wouldn't use in my own game, but someone else might.

So I ask you all your advice. Should I base my tutorial on making a game as well? Should I just stick to tips and tricks and not throw in an actual game?

What about the content? What would you like to see in this tutorial? What kinds of things do you think I should cover for beginners. Any advice is appreciated.
1 Feb 2008
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Day/Night System
Script Name: Day/Night System
Author: KGC (English Translation By: Koru-chan)
Number Of Scripts: 1
Original Source: http://f44.aaa.livedoor.jp/~ytomy/tkool/rp...p;tech=daynight
Description: Someone translated this on RRR but the comments were Babelfish'ed beyond understanding, so here is my translation of this script. This script will allow you to have a night/day system that can be activated per map. It automatically changes the tones of your map to make the transition and also allows for enemies that only appear during certain parts of the day.

Night screenshot.

1. Make a new blank script page above main but below all other scripts and name it Day/Night System.
2. Copy the script below into the new page.
3. Follow the instructions on the translated webpage to customize.

The script:

#_/    ? Day/Night System - KGC_DayNight ? VX ?
#_/    ? Last update : 2008/02/01 ?
#_/  Making Day and Night in your game.

# ? Customize ?

module KGC
module DayNight
  # ? Day/Night System
  #  0 - Time runs based on your elapsed game time.
  #  1 - Time runs based on the number of steps you've taken.
  #  2 - Time runs based off real time.  (Sensitive/Experimental)
  METHOD = 1

  # ? This is the number of the variable for the phases.
  # In this variable, the present phase will be housed.
  # ? Translator's note: in other words, when making your
  # game, I would either set it to a variable you're not
  # using or avoid the default variable it uses.
  # ? This is the number of the variable that keeps the
  # information for the days.
  #  Days are kept here as they elapse.

  # ? Stopping script behavior during an event.
  STOP_ON_EVENT = true
  # ? In a battle, the following will make only the
  #  background change tone.
  #  Setting this to "false" will tone everything.

  # ? Setting the phases.
  #  Each phases uses the following setup.
  #   ["name", color tone (Tone), duration]
  #  It's possible to increase phases, but the other
  #  phases will not just automatically adjust.
  #  You'll have to set them yourself so they fit
  #  within the day's time frame.
  #  [name]
  #    The name of the phase.
  #    The name has no significance over performance.
  #  [color tone]
  #    Color of the screen or background.
  #    If you don't know much about this, you'd be
  #    better off not editing.
  #  ***Translator's note for beginners***
  #  The way the tones are listed below are by the
  #  amount of red, green, and blue, the fourth number
  #  being saturation.  If you go into the event
  #  command for changing the screen tint, you can
  #  mess around with the tint until you find something
  #  you like.  When you okay it, the event window will
  #  show you the actual numeric values for the tone you
  #  want.  You can simply copy those numbers below into
  #  the phase you want them for.
  #  [Duration]
  #    The time before the next phase occurs.
  #    If you chose for phases to change according to
  #    number of steps, the duration number is the number
  #    of steps before the phase change.
  #    In the case of a real-time system, it's changed to
  #    a 24 hour system.
  PHASE = [
    ["noon",   Tone.new(   0,    0,   0), 300],  # Phase 0
    ["evening", Tone.new( -32,  -96, -96), 100],  # Phase 1
    ["night",   Tone.new(-128, -128, -32), 250],  # Phase 2
    ["morning",   Tone.new( -48,  -48, -16), 100],  # Phase 3
  ]  # ? Do not delete PHASE?

  # If you want a more realistic tone for your real-time setting...
  #  ["noon",   Tone.new(  0,   0,   0), 16],  # Phase 0
  #  ["evening", Tone.new(  0, -96, -96), 20],  # Phase 1
  #  ["night",   Tone.new(-96, -96, -64),  6],  # Phase 2
  #  ["morning",   Tone.new(-48, -48, -16), 10],  # Phase 3
  # ...is an alternative to your tones.

  # ? The phase where the day changes.
  #  When the appointed phase comes into play, a new day is started.
  #  The default settings are as follows:
  #  0 - noon
  #  1 - evening
  #  2 - night
  #  3 - morning
  # ? If using actual time, keep in mind that this script cannot
  #    keep track of the actual days.

  # ? Fade time between phases in frames.
  #  60 frames is the default used.

  # ? Day of the week name.
  #  Starts from the first day, goes to the last day, then loops.
  #  The name of the day has no significance to how the script
  #  performs, so name them as you wish.
  # ? When actual time is used, make sure to use 7 days.
  WEEK_NAME = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]


$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["DayNight"] = true

if $data_mapinfos == nil
  $data_mapinfos = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rvdata")

module KGC::DayNight
  METHOD_TIME  = 0  # Elapsed Time
  METHOD_STEP  = 1  # Number of Steps
  METHOD_RTIME = 2  # Real-time

  # Regular Expression
  module Regexp
    # Map Information
    module MapInfo
      # Stop transition
      DAYNIGHT_STOP = /\[DN_STOP\]/i
      # Disable night/day effect.
      DAYNIGHT_VOID = /\[DN_VOID\]/i

    # Enemy Group
    module Troop
      # Appearance in phase
      APPEAR_PHASE = /\[DN((?:[ ]*[\-]?\d+(?:[ ]*,)?)+)\]/i

  # ? Enemy group appearance.
  #     troop : decide per troup
  #     phase : decide per phase
  def self.troop_appear?(troop, phase = $game_system.daynight_phase)
    # Appearance decision.
    unless troop.appear_daynight_phase.empty?
      return false unless troop.appear_daynight_phase.include?(phase)
    # Non-Appearance decision.
    unless troop.nonappear_daynight_phase.empty?
      return false if troop.nonappear_daynight_phase.include?(phase)

    return true


# ? KGC::Commands

module KGC::Commands
  # ? Stopping day/night change.
  def stop_daynight
    $game_system.daynight_change_enabled = false
  # ? Starting day/night change.
  def start_daynight
    $game_system.daynight_change_enabled = true
  # ? Acquiring present phase name.
  def get_daynight_name
    return KGC::DayNight::PHASE[get_daynight_phase][0]
  # ? Acquiring present day of the week.
  #     variable_id : the ID of the variable it replaces.
  def get_daynight_week(variable_id = 0)
    if KGC::DayNight::METHOD == KGC::DayNight::METHOD_RTIME
      week = Time.now.wday
      days = $game_variables[KGC::DayNight::PASS_DAYS_VARIABLE]
      week = (days % KGC::DayNight::WEEK_NAME.size)

    if variable_id > 0
      $game_variables[variable_id] = week
    return week
  # ? Acquiring the name of the present day of the week.
  def get_daynight_week_name
    return KGC::DayNight::WEEK_NAME[get_daynight_week]
  # ? Phase Change
  #     phase     : the phase after phase transition.
  #     duration  : time in frames for phase transition
  #     pass_days : the days that have elapsed initially  (Default: 0)
  def change_daynight_phase(phase,
      duration = KGC::DayNight::PHASE_DURATION,
      pass_days = 0)
    $game_temp.manual_daynight_duration = duration
    $game_system.daynight_counter = 0
    $game_system.daynight_phase = phase
    $game_variables[KGC::DayNight::PASS_DAYS_VARIABLE] += pass_days
  # ? Transitioning to the next phase.
  #     duration : time in frames for phase transition
  def transit_daynight_phase(duration = KGC::DayNight::PHASE_DURATION)
  # ? Reseting the color tone to default.
  #     duration : time in frames for transition
  def set_daynight_default(duration = KGC::DayNight::PHASE_DURATION)
  # ? Re-creating present phase.
  #     duration : time in frames for transition
  def restore_daynight_phase(duration = KGC::DayNight::PHASE_DURATION)

class Game_Interpreter
  include KGC::Commands


# ? RPG::MapInfo

class RPG::MapInfo
  # ? Acquiring Map Name
  def name
    return @name.gsub(/\[.*\]/) { "" }
  # ? Acquring Original Map Name
  def original_name
    return @name
  # ? Stopping Day/Night change.
  def daynight_stop
    return @name =~ KGC::DayNight::Regexp::MapInfo::DAYNIGHT_STOP
  # ? Turning off Day/Night effect.
  def daynight_void
    return @name =~ KGC::DayNight::Regexp::MapInfo::DAYNIGHT_VOID


# ? RPG::Area

unless $@
class RPG::Area
  # ? Acquiring Encounter List
  alias encounter_list_KGC_DayNight encounter_list
  def encounter_list
    list = encounter_list_KGC_DayNight.clone

    # Appearance conditional choice.
    list.each_index { |i|
      list[i] = nil unless KGC::DayNight.troop_appear?($data_troops[list[i]])
    return list.compact


# ? RPG::Troop

class RPG::Troop
  # ? Cache formation of day/night change.
  def create_daynight_cache
    @__appear_daynight_phase = []
    @__nonappear_daynight_phase = []

    # Phase Appearance
    if @name =~ KGC::DayNight::Regexp::Troop::APPEAR_PHASE
      $1.scan(/[\-]?\d+/).each { |num|
        phase = num.to_i
        if phase           # If the phase doesn't appear
          @__nonappear_daynight_phase         else
          # If the phase does appear
          @__appear_daynight_phase         end
  # ? Phase Appearance
  def appear_daynight_phase
    create_daynight_cache if @__appear_daynight_phase == nil
    return @__appear_daynight_phase
  # ? Phase Non-Appearance
  def nonappear_daynight_phase
    create_daynight_cache if @__nonappear_daynight_phase == nil
    return @__nonappear_daynight_phase


# ? Game_Temp

class Game_Temp
  # ? Open instance variable
  attr_accessor :manual_daynight_duration # Manual phase modification flag
  # ? Object initialization
  alias initialize_KGC_DayNight initialize
  def initialize

    @manual_daynight_duration = nil


# ? Game_System

class Game_System
  # ? Open instance variable
  attr_writer   :daynight_counter         # Phase transition counter
  attr_writer   :daynight_change_enabled  # Day and night change validation
  # ? Object initialization
  alias initialize_KGC_DayNight initialize
  def initialize

    @daynight_counter = 0
    @daynight_change_enabled = true
  # ? Acquiring the phase transition counter
  def daynight_counter
    @daynight_counter = 0 if @daynight_counter == nil
    return @daynight_counter
  # ? Acquiring present phase
  def daynight_phase
    return $game_variables[KGC::DayNight::PHASE_VARIABLE]
  # ? Modifying present phase
  def daynight_phase=(value)
    $game_variables[KGC::DayNight::PHASE_VARIABLE] = value
  # ? Acquiring the day and night change effective flag
  def daynight_change_enabled
    @daynight_change_enabled = 0 if @daynight_change_enabled == nil
    return @daynight_change_enabled
  # ? Phase advance
  def progress_daynight_phase
    self.daynight_phase += 1
    if self.daynight_phase >= KGC::DayNight::PHASE.size
      self.daynight_phase = 0
  # ? Acquiring present phase object
  def daynight_phase_object
    return KGC::DayNight::PHASE[daynight_phase]
  # ? Acquiring previous phase object
  def previous_daynight_phase_object
    return KGC::DayNight::PHASE[daynight_phase - 1]


# ? Game_Screen

class Game_Screen
  # ? Open instance variable
  attr_reader   :daynight_tone            # Color tone of day and night
  # ? Clear
  alias clear_KGC_DayNight clear
  def clear

  # ? Clearing the variable for day and night change
  def clear_daynight
    @default_tone = Tone.new(0, 0, 0)

    # Coordinate initialization for movement decision
    @daynight_x = 0
    @daynight_y = 0

    # Count initialization for frame renewal
    @frame_count = Graphics.frame_count
    @daynight_tone_duration = 0

  # ? Applying the color tone of day and night
  def apply_daynight
    return if $game_map == nil

    # In the case of a map with day/night changes disabled
    if $game_map.daynight_void?
      if @daynight_tone_changed
        # You reset to the default color tone
        @tone = @default_tone.clone
        @daynight_tone_changed = false
      @daynight_tone = @tone.clone

    # If phase isn't correct, restore default
    if $game_system.daynight_phase_object == nil
      $game_system.daynight_phase = 0

    # Applying the present color tone
    @tone = $game_system.daynight_phase_object[1].clone
    @daynight_tone = @tone.clone

    # In case of real-time transition
    if KGC::DayNight::METHOD == KGC::DayNight::METHOD_RTIME
      time = Time.now
      # Transition to the correct phase
      KGC::DayNight::PHASE.each_with_index { |phase, i|
        if phase[2]           start_tone_change(phase[1], 1)
          $game_system.daynight_phase = i

    @daynight_tone_changed = true
  # ? Acquisition of color tone
  def tone
    if $game_temp.in_battle && KGC::DayNight::TONE_BACK_ONLY_IN_BATTLE
      return @default_tone
      return @tone
  # ? Start of color tone modification
  #     tone     : Color tone
  #     duration : Transition time
  alias start_tone_change_KGC_DayNight start_tone_change
  def start_tone_change(tone, duration)
    duration = [duration, 1].max
    start_tone_change_KGC_DayNight(tone, duration)

    @daynight_tone_target = tone.clone
    @daynight_tone_duration = duration
  # ? Frame update
  alias update_KGC_DayNight update
  def update

  # ? Color tone update
  alias update_tone_KGC_DayNight update_tone
  def update_tone

    if @daynight_tone_duration >= 1
      d = @daynight_tone_duration
      target = @daynight_tone_target
      @daynight_tone.red = (@daynight_tone.red * (d - 1) + target.red) / d
      @daynight_tone.green = (@daynight_tone.green * (d - 1) + target.green) / d
      @daynight_tone.blue = (@daynight_tone.blue * (d - 1) + target.blue) / d
      @daynight_tone.gray = (@daynight_tone.gray * (d - 1) + target.gray) / d
      @daynight_tone_duration -= 1
  # ? Phase transition update
  def update_daynight_transit
    # When manual change was done
    if $game_temp.manual_daynight_duration
      $game_temp.manual_daynight_duration = nil
      @daynight_tone_changed = true

    return unless $game_system.daynight_change_enabled  # Replace current phase
    return if $game_map.daynight_stop?                  # In process of stopping

    if KGC::DayNight::STOP_ON_EVENT
      interpreter = ($game_temp.in_battle ? $game_troop.interpreter :
      return if interpreter.running?                    # event executing

    case KGC::DayNight::METHOD
    when KGC::DayNight::METHOD_TIME   # Elapsed time
    when KGC::DayNight::METHOD_STEP   # Number of steps
    when KGC::DayNight::METHOD_RTIME  # Real-time
  # ? Transition: Elapsed Time
  def update_daynight_pass_time
    # Count growth calculation
    inc_count = Graphics.frame_count - @frame_count
    # If the result is off, return.
    if inc_count >= 100
      @frame_count = Graphics.frame_count
    # Count addition
    $game_system.daynight_counter += inc_count
    @frame_count = Graphics.frame_count

    # State transition decision
    count = $game_system.daynight_counter / Graphics.frame_rate
    if count >= $game_system.daynight_phase_object[2]
  # ? Transition: Number of Steps
  def update_daynight_step
    # If it's not active, it returns.
    return if @daynight_x == $game_player.x && @daynight_y == $game_player.y

    @daynight_x = $game_player.x
    @daynight_y = $game_player.y
    # Count addition
    $game_system.daynight_counter += 1
    # State transition decision
    count = $game_system.daynight_counter
    if count >= $game_system.daynight_phase_object[2]
  # ? Transition: Real-time
  def update_daynight_real_time
    time = Time.now
    # State transition decision
    time1 = $game_system.daynight_phase_object[2]
    transit = (time1     if $game_system.previous_daynight_phase_object != nil
      time2 = $game_system.previous_daynight_phase_object[2]
      if time1         transit &= (time.hour       end

    if transit
  # ? Transitioning to the next state
  #     duration : Transition duration
  def transit_daynight_next(duration = KGC::DayNight::PHASE_DURATION)
    $game_system.daynight_counter = 0
    # Days lapse decision
    if $game_system.daynight_phase == KGC::DayNight::PASS_DAY_PHASE
      $game_variables[KGC::DayNight::PASS_DAYS_VARIABLE] += 1
    # Color tone change
    start_tone_change($game_system.daynight_phase_object[1], duration)
    @daynight_tone_changed = true
  # ? Default tone to fall back on (0, 0, 0)
  #     duration : Transition duration
  def set_daynight_default(duration)
    start_tone_change(@default_tone, duration)
  # ? Restoring present phase
  #     duration : Transition duration
  def restore_daynight_phase(duration)
    start_tone_change($game_system.daynight_phase_object[1], duration)
    @daynight_tone_changed = true


# ? Game_Map

class Game_Map
  # ? Setup
  #     map_id : Map ID
  alias setup_KGC_DayNight setup
  def setup(map_id)

  # ? Is day and night change stopped?
  def daynight_stop?
    info = $data_mapinfos[map_id]
    return false if info == nil
    return (info.daynight_stop || info.daynight_void)
  # ? Day and night change invalidity?
  def daynight_void?
    info = $data_mapinfos[map_id]
    return false if info == nil
    return info.daynight_void
  # ? Acquisition of encounter list
  alias encounter_list_KGC_DayNight encounter_list
  def encounter_list
    list = encounter_list_KGC_DayNight.clone

    # Appearance of conditional decision
    list.each_index { |i|
      list[i] = nil unless KGC::DayNight.troop_appear?($data_troops[list[i]])
    return list.compact


# ? Spriteset_Battle

class Spriteset_Battle
  # ? Compilation of battleback sprite
  alias create_battleback_KGC_DayNight create_battleback
  def create_battleback

    if @battleback_sprite.wave_amp == 0
      @battleback_sprite.tone = $game_troop.screen.daynight_tone
  # ? Compilation of battle floor sprite
  alias create_battlefloor_KGC_DayNight create_battlefloor
  def create_battlefloor

    @battlefloor_sprite.tone = $game_troop.screen.daynight_tone


# ? Scene_Map

class Scene_Map   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ? Start processing
  alias start_KGC_DayNight start
  def start


 DayNight_System.rar ( 62.77K ) Number of downloads: 41
31 Jan 2008
Read Topic
I Am Legend
I seem to be the queen of "were you disappointed with the ending" threads, but here's another...

I was disappointed with the ending of I Am Legend. Yes, it was an awesome movie. Yes, Will Smith's character goes out with a bang (pun fully intended), but still... it just felt... dropped. It felt like they were building up to something huge, it felt like there was much more to the movie... then it just fizzled. Like the one human mutant that seems to be leading the rest of them. They give you the impression that something happened between him and Will Smith's character that you, as the audience, are not privy to yet.

But they do nothing with it. Now I realize that there's a book and some of it might be a throwback, but I didn't even know it was based off a book. When I saw it, I was just seeing it as a movie. I didn't learn about the book until after.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on it. My sister's theory is they ran out of money from their budget. :/
31 Jan 2008
Read Topic
Trinity Blood Ending
Who's seen the end of Trinity Blood? Who was as disappointed as I was? Firstly, they had that big, dramatic music for Cain and Abel's fight, only to show very little action. It was mostly them flying around each other, Esther watching in horror, and the flashback of doom. THEN that whole thing with Esther's coronation and Abel going to get Cain cause apparently he's STILL not dead.... and they just drop you. I want to see the end. I wanted to see Cain dead. I wanted to see Ion with Esther because I still think they were the cutest couple in the series.

I dunno, I just felt like it was a big flop.
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Gender Unknown Darkgrammer

  27 Feb 2008 - 7:23
Male Pisteleh

  15 Feb 2008 - 3:02
Gender Unknown Vilmos

  13 Feb 2008 - 14:16

  12 Feb 2008 - 2:23
Gender Unknown ndrd

  4 Feb 2008 - 14:45

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