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Joined: 2-June 08
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Last Seen: 14th June 2008 - 11:31 PM
Local Time: Jun 18 2008, 01:52 AM
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10 Jun 2008
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new Sprite probs
I used the sprite maker from another thread (it's in japanese but i managed), anyway I made a tonne of them and could import them ok into RPM VX but then I get this problem... which is a lot different to this Which is what is SUPPOSED to happen. I get the same thing when I try to import images I made using a facemaker I found on this forum as well. I checked the sizes of the pictures too and they should be fine, so what's goin' on? I REALLY could use and answer to this one lol. Thx guys
6 Jun 2008
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Tutorial and resource guide needed
Ok, so i'm having a lot of trouble finding any decent tutorials that aren't either full of jargon or expecting people to know how to find tilesets, addons, etc. And half the stuff I am finding has broken links. What I need is a great big list from experienced users of things like tutorials (especially for beginners) on basic game construction (I did look at Koru-chan's guide, but a lot of the tileset and addons references have either broken links or assume you know what they even are I also think it's for RPMXP lol).
On top of tutorials and guides I need resources to find tilesets, sprites etc. I have found a sprite generator (although in japanese I did manage to work it out) and a face maker on this site, and fluked implementing a Side Battle script, but there's only so much I can play around with before I get lost, so before I ask too many FAQ's, I wondered if more experienced users could post every known resource they have found themselves. That way this thread can also be used by other newbies to find resources, tutorials and the like a lot easier without having to surf halfway across the internet to answer one question at a time. I hope to make a dummy's guide to RPG maker VX, especially after having so much trouble finding a simple one myself, But I need some help getting to know the program first. Thanks in advance =P
2 Jun 2008
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Newb Questions
I'm new to RPG maker vx and i'm looking to have a particular look to my game, so i'll post a few question here from time to time and hopefully you guys may be able to help me out.
1) I want to get a picture of the character speaking above the text box, not in it. On top of that, it'll probably change expression depending on whats being said and I'd like characters to appear sometimes on left and others on right (...that's probably quite a lot to answer i'll leave it there for now O_o) 2) Are there any scripts people recommend I should use? Especially with things like Menu systems, Item systems, etc. 3) I could really do with someone pointing me in the direction of some really good beginners tutorials. Thx guys! |
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Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 17th June 2008 - 07:52 AM |