Does anyone know a link to a site where I can download RM2K?
I can't find any that work.
I spent 5 hours on google and found nothing, so some help would be really appreciated
Elemental Crisis
May 1 2006, 11:22 PM
Yeah all the makers have seemed to dissapear, my suggestion is too use Wayback and goto sites that used to have the download. With anyluck that site was archived so you will be able to view it.
May 16 2006, 07:13 PM
Hmm... well I finally got it. My friend sent it to me in an email, but was being an ass and didn't send the RTP.
So I went searching for it and found a website that had the RTP, the actually RM2k program, and a download for RM2k3. That made me happy.
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