So Lyric and Clone have already heard, as well as some of my other online friends.
I was recently diagnosed with skin cancer.
I was down at the beach for a few days with a mate, and the last day, I went shirtless and without sunscreen, and came back a day later with a pretty suspicious spot on my back. We got it checked, and it turned out to me a malignant skin cancer tumor.
It was removed the next day, but they suspect the tumor might have spread to my bloodstream. I've had a blood test done to check if it has spread to the blood. IF so, then I'll only have a 50-50 chance of living a full life. If I don't live a full life, then I'll only have four months to live.
But even if I do live, the cancer may reappear later in life - but the chances of that are awful slim.
But right now, I'm trying to live my life to the fullest. I went swimming today at our school's annual swimming carnival, and I'm asking a girl out for Valentine's Day. I'm also planning on finishing up my long-neglected projects.
I'm gonna fight this off. Trust me.
A tech blog. About tech stuff. Site not up yet.
A new game maker on the horizon. Really worth checking out.
Last signature update: 10:36, Saturday, April 17, 2010.
All times are Australian Eastern Standard Time