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Hello there traveler!

They call me Norman the Expressionless and I was instructed to seek you out, the wanderer. You must be something special for them to hire me and come find out. I wonder what makes you so special; perhaps you have some super power and are destined to save the universe! Just kidding, they told me to find you because you have nice hair and they want to harvest it to create the perfect hair.

So yeah, you should totally join this fine community they’ve established here. Heck, if you need even more reasons I suppose I can list off a few of the perks.
  • Gain complete access to our Download, Tutorial/Script and Resource Databases.
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  • Request translations for foreign maker related sites, games, scripts and tutorials.
I could keep listing all the awesome benefits and perks but why not discover them for yourself?
Guest Message by DevFuse


Elemental Crisis
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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Nov 01 2012 08:40 AM
  • Last Updated: Nov 01 2012 08:40 AM
  • File Size: 54.12MB
  • Views: 415
  • Downloads: 25
  • Creator: Unknown

Download Project 2D Class X 1.00

- - - - -

Project 2D took the best 16 characters from 9 different games and had them fight. Now its times to add even more with Class X!

New Additions:
- 2 New fighters
- New combo moves
- A lot more I didn't notice! smile.gif

There's a game crashing bug present, attempting to bypass the intro crashes the game. You must go into either the Keyboard or Joystick settings window, doing so will allow you to bypass the intro.

Button Configuration:
To change the buttons click Options and then either select Keyboard or Joystick. The button in the lower left-hand corner will restore the default buttons.

Additional Information:
- This game is in Japanese, you may need East Asian Support (EAS) installed to run properly.
- Refer to the manual for special attack button combos.

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